Huang 中国福建邵武黄氏峭山公后裔
1· 黄云
2· 黄嘉
3· 黄奇
4· 黄最
5· 黄舒
6· 黄厚
7· 黄冕
8· 黄凯
9· 黄函
10· 黄俞
11· 黄寿
12· 黄所
13· 作仙
13· 侠仙
14· 仲熔
15· 黄要
16· 刚中
17· 黄龙
18· 黄邲
19· 黄应
20· 黄正
21· 秉志
22· 黄畅
23· 立渊
24· 黄绍
24· 黄网
25· 黄颜
26· 修德
27· 黄虞
28· 黄韵
29· 巨源
30· 再兴
31· 若洙
32· 黄藩
33· 立言
34· 黄谟
35· 初盛
36· 黄祎
37· 友石
38· 黄固
39· 黄敬
40· 黄惠
41· 黄錡
42· 黄署
43· 黄胤
44· 黄玖
45· 黄谐
45· 光祖
45· 黄训
46· 敦复
47· 黄通
48· 黄衍
48· 黄衡
49· 爱辅
49· 爱佐
50· 黄鄂
51· 黄昭
52· 黄鲁
53· 黄熙
54· 由植
55· 黄璋
56· 黄显
57· 黄宽
58· 黄亮
59· 安民
60· 黄前
61· 企生
62· 显忠
63· 文绮
64· 宏济
65· 黄秦
66· 黄象
67· 黄重
67· 黄量
68· 黄痒
68· 黄序
68· 黄瘾
69· 黄希
69· 黄新
69· 黄师
70· 黄臧
71· 泰修
71· 德修
71· 景修
72· 黄式
72· 黄武
72· 黄戈
72· 黄戎
73· 黄沐
73· 黄建
73· 黄沈
74· 黄歇
74· 开业
75· 黄
75· 黄韶
75· 黄尚
76· 黄完
76· 黄定
76· 黄广
76· 黄寄
76· 黄泰
77· 黄荇
77· 黄蒿
77· 黄蓁
78· 定国
79· 黄嵩
80· 黄彰
81· 黄霸
82· 仲达
83· 黄仍
84· 小嘉
85· 元善
85· 元相
86· 伯周
86· 伯良
87· 黄况
88· 黄香
89· 黄琼
90· 黄阁
91· 黄琬
92· 黄侃
92· 黄权
92· 松寿
93· 黄贾
93· 黄远
93· 黄垍
94· 黄广
94· 黄绾
94· 长文
95· 黄期
95· 黄瑷
95· 珣瑯
96· 黄积
96· 黄恭
96· 黄坎
97· 黄湘
97· 黄苾
97· 黄泓
97· 黄寻
97· 必福
98· 铎舜
98· 黄裳
98· 黄聪
99· 仲文
99· 黄豫
99· 黄栗
100· 黄志
100· 庆肇
100· 黄辇
101· 大文
101· 雍伯
101· 黄良
102· 庆宣
102· 黄俭
102· 如意
103· 奇逢
103· 黄齐
103· 黄帱
104· 黄西
104· 黄政
104· 黄纶
105· 贵林
105· 黄椿
105· 黄梁
106· 黄俸
106· 梅山
106· 端仪
107· 子若
107· 黄孱
107· 中宁
108· 黄鼎
108· 滔之
108· 用成
109· 守恭
109· 圣崇
109· 怡康
109· 黄节
109· 恺康
110· 廷坚
110· 黄纲
110· 德明
110· 廷华
110· 黄福
111· 时文
111· 黄勷
111· 一震
112· 惟淡
112· 黄简
112· 黄谦
113· 黄彬
113· 黄敦
113· 庆宜
113· 庆宾
113· 黄膺
113· 庆嘉
113· 黄宾
114· 义村
114· 黄岸
114· 黄盛
114· 黄损
114· 彦高
115· 秉哲
115· 贵显
115· 黄典
115· 秉懿
115· 贵华
116· 黄帘
116· 黄赍
116· 黄璋
116· 黄圭
116· 黄绸
116· 黄锡
116· 衮乾
117· 峭山
117· 黄璞
117· 崤山
117· 岐山
117· 岱山
117· 海山
117· 义山
117· 德山
117· 彬恭
117· 黄滔
118· 徽卿
118· 黄化
119· 黄纾
119· 黄道
120· 汉滔
120· 黄文
121· 省察
121· 正言
122· 黄春
122· 黄考
123· 黄仁
123· 明旭
124· 黄德
124· 潜善
125· 久昌
125· 久养
125· 黄昌
126· 黄全
126· 澄洛
126· 黄僚
127· 居正
127· 庆吉
128· 日新
129· 文质
130· 伯敬
131· 宗彝
132· 应荣
133· 德盛
2· 黄嘉
3· 黄奇
4· 黄最
5· 黄舒
6· 黄厚
7· 黄冕
8· 黄凯
9· 黄函
10· 黄俞
11· 黄寿
12· 黄所
13· 作仙
13· 侠仙
14· 仲熔
15· 黄要
16· 刚中
17· 黄龙
18· 黄邲
19· 黄应
20· 黄正
21· 秉志
22· 黄畅
23· 立渊
24· 黄绍
24· 黄网
25· 黄颜
26· 修德
27· 黄虞
28· 黄韵
29· 巨源
30· 再兴
31· 若洙
32· 黄藩
33· 立言
34· 黄谟
35· 初盛
36· 黄祎
37· 友石
38· 黄固
39· 黄敬
40· 黄惠
41· 黄錡
42· 黄署
43· 黄胤
44· 黄玖
45· 黄谐
45· 光祖
45· 黄训
46· 敦复
47· 黄通
48· 黄衍
48· 黄衡
49· 爱辅
49· 爱佐
50· 黄鄂
51· 黄昭
52· 黄鲁
53· 黄熙
54· 由植
55· 黄璋
56· 黄显
57· 黄宽
58· 黄亮
59· 安民
60· 黄前
61· 企生
62· 显忠
63· 文绮
64· 宏济
65· 黄秦
66· 黄象
67· 黄重
67· 黄量
68· 黄痒
68· 黄序
68· 黄瘾
69· 黄希
69· 黄新
69· 黄师
70· 黄臧
71· 泰修
71· 德修
71· 景修
72· 黄式
72· 黄武
72· 黄戈
72· 黄戎
73· 黄沐
73· 黄建
73· 黄沈
74· 黄歇
74· 开业
75· 黄
75· 黄韶
75· 黄尚
76· 黄完
76· 黄定
76· 黄广
76· 黄寄
76· 黄泰
77· 黄荇
77· 黄蒿
77· 黄蓁
78· 定国
79· 黄嵩
80· 黄彰
81· 黄霸
82· 仲达
83· 黄仍
84· 小嘉
85· 元善
85· 元相
86· 伯周
86· 伯良
87· 黄况
88· 黄香
89· 黄琼
90· 黄阁
91· 黄琬
92· 黄侃
92· 黄权
92· 松寿
93· 黄贾
93· 黄远
93· 黄垍
94· 黄广
94· 黄绾
94· 长文
95· 黄期
95· 黄瑷
95· 珣瑯
96· 黄积
96· 黄恭
96· 黄坎
97· 黄湘
97· 黄苾
97· 黄泓
97· 黄寻
97· 必福
98· 铎舜
98· 黄裳
98· 黄聪
99· 仲文
99· 黄豫
99· 黄栗
100· 黄志
100· 庆肇
100· 黄辇
101· 大文
101· 雍伯
101· 黄良
102· 庆宣
102· 黄俭
102· 如意
103· 奇逢
103· 黄齐
103· 黄帱
104· 黄西
104· 黄政
104· 黄纶
105· 贵林
105· 黄椿
105· 黄梁
106· 黄俸
106· 梅山
106· 端仪
107· 子若
107· 黄孱
107· 中宁
108· 黄鼎
108· 滔之
108· 用成
109· 守恭
109· 圣崇
109· 怡康
109· 黄节
109· 恺康
110· 廷坚
110· 黄纲
110· 德明
110· 廷华
110· 黄福
111· 时文
111· 黄勷
111· 一震
112· 惟淡
112· 黄简
112· 黄谦
113· 黄彬
113· 黄敦
113· 庆宜
113· 庆宾
113· 黄膺
113· 庆嘉
113· 黄宾
114· 义村
114· 黄岸
114· 黄盛
114· 黄损
114· 彦高
115· 秉哲
115· 贵显
115· 黄典
115· 秉懿
115· 贵华
116· 黄帘
116· 黄赍
116· 黄璋
116· 黄圭
116· 黄绸
116· 黄锡
116· 衮乾
117· 峭山
117· 黄璞
117· 崤山
117· 岐山
117· 岱山
117· 海山
117· 义山
117· 德山
117· 彬恭
117· 黄滔
118· 徽卿
118· 黄化
119· 黄纾
119· 黄道
120· 汉滔
120· 黄文
121· 省察
121· 正言
122· 黄春
122· 黄考
123· 黄仁
123· 明旭
124· 黄德
124· 潜善
125· 久昌
125· 久养
125· 黄昌
126· 黄全
126· 澄洛
126· 黄僚
127· 居正
127· 庆吉
128· 日新
129· 文质
130· 伯敬
131· 宗彝
132· 应荣
133· 德盛
English version:
1st Generation
HUANG YUN 黄云 (b.2283 BC)
Huang is an ancient surname which origin could be traced back 4,200 years to the days of the legendary sage emperors, preceding the Xia dynasty (c.2070 BC- c.1600 BC).
According to Huang Clan Genealogy and records such as Xing Pu《姓谱》, Yuan He Xing Zuan 《元和姓纂》, Tong Zhi 《通志.氏族略》, the Huang family began with Hui Lian 惠连, son of Lu Zhong 陆终, a direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) 黄帝,(2698 BC-2598 BC), the Legendary Ancestor of the Chinese Nation.
This lineage of Hui Lian from the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) is recorded in the Huang Clan Genealogy as follows:
(1)The Yellow Emperor (Huang Di)---(2)Chang Yi 昌意---(3)Zhuan Xu (Emperor) 帝颛须---(4)Qiong Chan 穷蝉---(5)Nu Xiu 女修---(6)Lao Tong 老童---(7)Shao Xin 少辛---(8)Juan Zhang 卷章---(9)Zhong Li 重黎---(10)Wu Hui 吴回---(11)Lu Zhong 陆终---(12)Hui Lian 惠连.
According the historical records Shiji 《史记: 楚世家;五帝本纪》(Records of the Grand Historian) and Da Dai Li Ji《大戴礼记: 帝系》, Lu Zhong married Nukui 女溃 from the Guifang Clan 鬼方氏. Nukui was pregnant for three years and later (according to the Genealogy, in the 33rd year of Emperor Yao) gave birth to six sons through a caesarian birth (which is the world's earliest recorded caesarian birth). The six sons were: eldest Fan 樊 (also known as Fan Ren 樊人), second Ding 定 (also known as Hui Lian 惠连), third Qian (also known as Qiankeng 钱铿), fourth Qiu 求 (also known as Qiuyan 求言), fifth Yan An 晏安 (also known as Cao An 曹安 or Zao An 遭安), and the sixth, Ji 季 (also known as Ji Lian 季连).
In the 96th year of Emperor Yao 尧帝 (2220 BC), Hui Lian scored a merit in harnessing river floods, and Emperor Yao 尧帝 conferred on him the state of Can'hu 参胡 (present-day region of Fenyang 汾阳, Shanxi province 山西省, China). Emperor Yao renamed Can'hu "the State of Huang 黄国" and bestowed on Hui Lian the Surname Huang 黄 and name Yun 云. Hence, Hui Lian was known by the name Huang Yun. He was also known by the name, Nan Lu 南陆. Hui Lian was the Progenitor of the Huang (in a variant of Chinese Minnan [Hokkien] dialect ="Ng") surname. All of Hui Lian's brothers later received nobility and fief conferment from Emperor Shun 帝舜 for assisting Great Yu 大禹 (later founder of Xia dynasty) in harnessing river floods.
A research paper on the origin of the Huang Surname (in Chinese) can be read HERE
2nd Generation
Huang Jia 黄嘉 (b. 2253 BC)
He was Lord of Huang State 黄国主.
3rd Generation
Huang Zuzhong 黄祖仲 (b. 2192 BC)
He was Lord of Huang State 黄国主.
4th Generation
Huang Zui 黄最
5th Generation
Huang Shu 黄舒
6th Generation
Huang Hou 黄厚
7th Generation
Huang Mian 黄冕
8th Generation
Huang Kai 黄凯
9th Generation
Huang Han 黄函
10th Generation
Huang Yu 黄俞
11th Generation
Huang Shou 黄寿
12th Generation
Huang Suo 黄所
He was "Shui Shi" 水师 (Flood Officer?) of Xia dynasty 夏朝.
13th Generation
Huang Xiaxian 黄侠仙
He was "Yue Zheng" 乐正 of Xia dynasty.
14th Generation
Huang Zhongrong 黄仲熔
15th Generation
Huang Yao 黄要
He was the First Prime Minister 右相 of King Jiong of Xia 夏扃.
16th Generation
Huang Gangzhong 黄刚中
17th Generation
Huang Long 黄龙
18th Generation
Huang Bi 黄毖
19th Generation
Huang Ying 黄应
20th Generation
Huang Zheng 黄正
21st Generation
Huang Bingzhi 黄秉志
22nd Generation
Huang Chang 黄畅
23rd Generation
Huang Liyuan 黄立渊
He was a "Dafu" 大夫 of the Xia dynasty 夏朝. He was disappointed with the debauched King. He resigned from his post and returned to the State of Huang. He later entrusted the State of Huang to his younger brother, Huang Lishen 黄立深, and went to Jingzhou 荆州 (Present-day Jingzho, Hubei province).
The descendants of Huang Liyuan's younger brother Huang Lishen ruled the State of Huang until it was conquered by the State of Jin 晋国 in the early "Spring and Autumn Period" 春秋时代 (770 BC - 476 BC).
24th Generation
Huang Shao 黄绍
He lived at the State of Huang.
25th Generation
Huang Yan 黄颜
He was "Ji Shu Chen" 计书臣 of King Yaoding of Shang Dynasty 商朝.
26th Generation
Huang Xiude 黄修德
He was the Prime Minister of King Yaoding of Shang.
27th Generation
Huang Yu 黄虞
28th Generation
Huang Yun 黄韵
29th Generation
Huang Juyuan 黄巨源
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Taiwu of Shang.
HUANG YUN 黄云 (b.2283 BC)
Huang is an ancient surname which origin could be traced back 4,200 years to the days of the legendary sage emperors, preceding the Xia dynasty (c.2070 BC- c.1600 BC).
According to Huang Clan Genealogy and records such as Xing Pu《姓谱》, Yuan He Xing Zuan 《元和姓纂》, Tong Zhi 《通志.氏族略》, the Huang family began with Hui Lian 惠连, son of Lu Zhong 陆终, a direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) 黄帝,(2698 BC-2598 BC), the Legendary Ancestor of the Chinese Nation.
This lineage of Hui Lian from the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) is recorded in the Huang Clan Genealogy as follows:
(1)The Yellow Emperor (Huang Di)---(2)Chang Yi 昌意---(3)Zhuan Xu (Emperor) 帝颛须---(4)Qiong Chan 穷蝉---(5)Nu Xiu 女修---(6)Lao Tong 老童---(7)Shao Xin 少辛---(8)Juan Zhang 卷章---(9)Zhong Li 重黎---(10)Wu Hui 吴回---(11)Lu Zhong 陆终---(12)Hui Lian 惠连.
According the historical records Shiji 《史记: 楚世家;五帝本纪》(Records of the Grand Historian) and Da Dai Li Ji《大戴礼记: 帝系》, Lu Zhong married Nukui 女溃 from the Guifang Clan 鬼方氏. Nukui was pregnant for three years and later (according to the Genealogy, in the 33rd year of Emperor Yao) gave birth to six sons through a caesarian birth (which is the world's earliest recorded caesarian birth). The six sons were: eldest Fan 樊 (also known as Fan Ren 樊人), second Ding 定 (also known as Hui Lian 惠连), third Qian (also known as Qiankeng 钱铿), fourth Qiu 求 (also known as Qiuyan 求言), fifth Yan An 晏安 (also known as Cao An 曹安 or Zao An 遭安), and the sixth, Ji 季 (also known as Ji Lian 季连).
In the 96th year of Emperor Yao 尧帝 (2220 BC), Hui Lian scored a merit in harnessing river floods, and Emperor Yao 尧帝 conferred on him the state of Can'hu 参胡 (present-day region of Fenyang 汾阳, Shanxi province 山西省, China). Emperor Yao renamed Can'hu "the State of Huang 黄国" and bestowed on Hui Lian the Surname Huang 黄 and name Yun 云. Hence, Hui Lian was known by the name Huang Yun. He was also known by the name, Nan Lu 南陆. Hui Lian was the Progenitor of the Huang (in a variant of Chinese Minnan [Hokkien] dialect ="Ng") surname. All of Hui Lian's brothers later received nobility and fief conferment from Emperor Shun 帝舜 for assisting Great Yu 大禹 (later founder of Xia dynasty) in harnessing river floods.
A research paper on the origin of the Huang Surname (in Chinese) can be read HERE
2nd Generation
Huang Jia 黄嘉 (b. 2253 BC)
He was Lord of Huang State 黄国主.
3rd Generation
Huang Zuzhong 黄祖仲 (b. 2192 BC)
He was Lord of Huang State 黄国主.
4th Generation
Huang Zui 黄最
5th Generation
Huang Shu 黄舒
6th Generation
Huang Hou 黄厚
7th Generation
Huang Mian 黄冕
8th Generation
Huang Kai 黄凯
9th Generation
Huang Han 黄函
10th Generation
Huang Yu 黄俞
11th Generation
Huang Shou 黄寿
12th Generation
Huang Suo 黄所
He was "Shui Shi" 水师 (Flood Officer?) of Xia dynasty 夏朝.
13th Generation
Huang Xiaxian 黄侠仙
He was "Yue Zheng" 乐正 of Xia dynasty.
14th Generation
Huang Zhongrong 黄仲熔
15th Generation
Huang Yao 黄要
He was the First Prime Minister 右相 of King Jiong of Xia 夏扃.
16th Generation
Huang Gangzhong 黄刚中
17th Generation
Huang Long 黄龙
18th Generation
Huang Bi 黄毖
19th Generation
Huang Ying 黄应
20th Generation
Huang Zheng 黄正
21st Generation
Huang Bingzhi 黄秉志
22nd Generation
Huang Chang 黄畅
23rd Generation
Huang Liyuan 黄立渊
He was a "Dafu" 大夫 of the Xia dynasty 夏朝. He was disappointed with the debauched King. He resigned from his post and returned to the State of Huang. He later entrusted the State of Huang to his younger brother, Huang Lishen 黄立深, and went to Jingzhou 荆州 (Present-day Jingzho, Hubei province).
The descendants of Huang Liyuan's younger brother Huang Lishen ruled the State of Huang until it was conquered by the State of Jin 晋国 in the early "Spring and Autumn Period" 春秋时代 (770 BC - 476 BC).
24th Generation
Huang Shao 黄绍
He lived at the State of Huang.
25th Generation
Huang Yan 黄颜
He was "Ji Shu Chen" 计书臣 of King Yaoding of Shang Dynasty 商朝.
26th Generation
Huang Xiude 黄修德
He was the Prime Minister of King Yaoding of Shang.
27th Generation
Huang Yu 黄虞
28th Generation
Huang Yun 黄韵
29th Generation
Huang Juyuan 黄巨源
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Taiwu of Shang.
30th Generation
Huang Zaixing 黄再兴
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhongding of Shang.
31th Generation
Huang Youzhu 黄若洙
He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Wairen 外壬 of Shang.
32th Generation
Huang Fan 黄藩
33th Generation
Huang Liyan 黄立言
He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Zuyi 祖乙 of Shang.
34th Generation
Huang Mo 黄谟
35th Generation
Huang Chusheng 黄初盛
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.
36th Generation
Huang Wei 黄伟
He was "Chao San Da Fu" 朝散大夫 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.
37th Generation
Huang Youshi 黄友石
38th Generation
Huang Gu 黄固
39th Generation
Huang Jing 黄敬
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Wuding 武丁 (1250 BC~1192 BC) of Shang.
40th Generation
Huang Hui 黄惠
41th Generation
Huang Dashi 黄大拭
42nd Generation
Huang Tu 黄屠
He returned to the State of Huang.
43rd Generation
Huang Yin 黄胤
44th Generation
Huang Jiu 黄玖
45th Generation
Huang Gun 黄滚
46th Generation
Huang Duifu 黄敦复
Styled Huang Feihu 黄飞虎. He was a general of the Shang dynasty who was conferred the title "Accomplishing Valiant King" 武成王. The last ruler of Shang dynasty, King Zhou 纣, was a fatuous and debauched monarch, who caused the deaths of Huang Feihu's wife, Lady Jia 贾氏, and his sister (King Zhou's concubine, Huang Duizhen 黄敦贞 alias Huang Feiluan 黄飞鸾). Huang Feihu was furious and rebelled. He surrendered to King Wen of Zhou 周文王 and assisted the latter to overthrow King Zhou of Shang. Huang Feihu was later conferred the title "Upright Valiant King" 武烈王.
47th Generation
Huang Tong 黄通
He was also known as Huang Tianxiang 黄天祥. He was "Nong Zheng" 农正 of King Wu of Zhou 武王 (1046 BC - 1043 BC) .
48th Generation
Huang Yan 黄衍
Alias Huang Jizong 黄继宗. He was the "Da Situ" 大司徒 (Prime Minister) of King Cheng of Zhou 周成王 (1042 BC-1021 BC).
49th Generation
Huang Aibu 黄爱铺
Styled Huang Zhongbing 黄仲丙. He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Kang of Zhou 周康王 (1020 BC- 996 BC).
50th Generation
Huang E 黄鄂
He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Zhao of Zhou 周昭王 (995 BC- 977 BC). He later became Prime Minister 丞相.
51st Generation
Huang Zhao 黄昭
During the reign of King Mu of Zhou 周穆王 (976 BC- 922 BC), he was the Governor of Yanzhou (in present-day Shandong province 山东省). He later became the "Dafu" 大夫 of the State of Lu 鲁国.
52th Generation
Huang Lu 黄鲁
He returned to Zhou and became the 司谏 and 畿内闾正. He later moved to live with the Huang Clan at Ding city 定城.
53rd Generation
Huang Xi 黄熙 (b.911 BCE)
Styled Huang Shi 黄石. He was a general of King Xiao of Zhou 周孝王. He scored a merit in campaign against the northern barbarians and King Xiao of Zhou gave his eldest daughter (or sister, the characters in the Genealogy are "长公主"), Princess Ji Wen 姬汶, to him in marriage. King Xiao of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Xi 熙侯 and a fiefdom west of the Han river (present-day region of Yicheng, Hubei province) called Huang, which was known as "Xi Huang" (Western Huang 西黄) in Chinese history. He was the Marquis of "Western Huang" State.
54th Generation
Huang Youzhi 黄由植
King Yi of Zhou conferred him the title Marquis Hui and the name Zhuang. He married the daughter of Duke Huan of Qi 齐桓公, Lady Ji 姬氏.
55th Generation
Huang Zhang 黄璋 (b. 865 BCE)
His personal name was Huang Meng 黄孟. King Li of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Wen 文侯 and the name Tai 泰. He built a new capital 12 li (6 km) north-west of present-day Huangchuan 潢川, Henan Province). The ruins of his capital can still be seen in Huangchuan today.
In 1983, the double-tomb of Huang Xi (Huang Meng) and his consort Ji Shi 姬氏 was excavated beside the Baoxiang Temple 宝相寺 at Guangshan county 光山县, Henan Province 河南省.
Above Map of Huang State
(Click the above map for a larger view)
The ruins of Huang State at Huangchuan, Henan province.
56th Generation
Huang Xian 黄显
Marquis of Huang
57th Generation
Huang Kuan 黄宽
Marquis of Huang
58th Generation
Huang Liang 黄亮
Marquis of Huang
Huang Zaixing 黄再兴
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhongding of Shang.
31th Generation
Huang Youzhu 黄若洙
He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Wairen 外壬 of Shang.
32th Generation
Huang Fan 黄藩
33th Generation
Huang Liyan 黄立言
He was "Tian Zheng" 田正 of King Zuyi 祖乙 of Shang.
34th Generation
Huang Mo 黄谟
35th Generation
Huang Chusheng 黄初盛
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.
36th Generation
Huang Wei 黄伟
He was "Chao San Da Fu" 朝散大夫 of King Zhuding 祖丁 of Shang.
37th Generation
Huang Youshi 黄友石
38th Generation
Huang Gu 黄固
39th Generation
Huang Jing 黄敬
He was "Na Yan" 纳言 of King Wuding 武丁 (1250 BC~1192 BC) of Shang.
40th Generation
Huang Hui 黄惠
41th Generation
Huang Dashi 黄大拭
42nd Generation
Huang Tu 黄屠
He returned to the State of Huang.
43rd Generation
Huang Yin 黄胤
44th Generation
Huang Jiu 黄玖
45th Generation
Huang Gun 黄滚
46th Generation
Huang Duifu 黄敦复
Styled Huang Feihu 黄飞虎. He was a general of the Shang dynasty who was conferred the title "Accomplishing Valiant King" 武成王. The last ruler of Shang dynasty, King Zhou 纣, was a fatuous and debauched monarch, who caused the deaths of Huang Feihu's wife, Lady Jia 贾氏, and his sister (King Zhou's concubine, Huang Duizhen 黄敦贞 alias Huang Feiluan 黄飞鸾). Huang Feihu was furious and rebelled. He surrendered to King Wen of Zhou 周文王 and assisted the latter to overthrow King Zhou of Shang. Huang Feihu was later conferred the title "Upright Valiant King" 武烈王.
47th Generation
Huang Tong 黄通
He was also known as Huang Tianxiang 黄天祥. He was "Nong Zheng" 农正 of King Wu of Zhou 武王 (1046 BC - 1043 BC) .
48th Generation
Huang Yan 黄衍
Alias Huang Jizong 黄继宗. He was the "Da Situ" 大司徒 (Prime Minister) of King Cheng of Zhou 周成王 (1042 BC-1021 BC).
49th Generation
Huang Aibu 黄爱铺
Styled Huang Zhongbing 黄仲丙. He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Kang of Zhou 周康王 (1020 BC- 996 BC).
50th Generation
Huang E 黄鄂
He was "Ji Nei Zheng Zuo Shi" 畿内正佐史 of King Zhao of Zhou 周昭王 (995 BC- 977 BC). He later became Prime Minister 丞相.
51st Generation
Huang Zhao 黄昭
During the reign of King Mu of Zhou 周穆王 (976 BC- 922 BC), he was the Governor of Yanzhou (in present-day Shandong province 山东省). He later became the "Dafu" 大夫 of the State of Lu 鲁国.
52th Generation
Huang Lu 黄鲁
He returned to Zhou and became the 司谏 and 畿内闾正. He later moved to live with the Huang Clan at Ding city 定城.
53rd Generation
Huang Xi 黄熙 (b.911 BCE)
Styled Huang Shi 黄石. He was a general of King Xiao of Zhou 周孝王. He scored a merit in campaign against the northern barbarians and King Xiao of Zhou gave his eldest daughter (or sister, the characters in the Genealogy are "长公主"), Princess Ji Wen 姬汶, to him in marriage. King Xiao of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Xi 熙侯 and a fiefdom west of the Han river (present-day region of Yicheng, Hubei province) called Huang, which was known as "Xi Huang" (Western Huang 西黄) in Chinese history. He was the Marquis of "Western Huang" State.
54th Generation
Huang Youzhi 黄由植
King Yi of Zhou conferred him the title Marquis Hui and the name Zhuang. He married the daughter of Duke Huan of Qi 齐桓公, Lady Ji 姬氏.
55th Generation
Huang Zhang 黄璋 (b. 865 BCE)
His personal name was Huang Meng 黄孟. King Li of Zhou conferred on him the title Marquis Wen 文侯 and the name Tai 泰. He built a new capital 12 li (6 km) north-west of present-day Huangchuan 潢川, Henan Province). The ruins of his capital can still be seen in Huangchuan today.
In 1983, the double-tomb of Huang Xi (Huang Meng) and his consort Ji Shi 姬氏 was excavated beside the Baoxiang Temple 宝相寺 at Guangshan county 光山县, Henan Province 河南省.
Above Map of Huang State
(Click the above map for a larger view)
The ruins of Huang State at Huangchuan, Henan province.
56th Generation
Huang Xian 黄显
Marquis of Huang
57th Generation
Huang Kuan 黄宽
Marquis of Huang
58th Generation
Huang Liang 黄亮
Marquis of Huang
59th Generation
Huang Anmin 黄安民
Marquis of Huang
60th Generation
Huang Qian 黄前
Marquis of Huang
61st Generation
Huang Qisheng 黄企生 (b.693 BC)
King Hui of Zhou 周惠王 conferred him the title Marquis Mu 穆侯 and name Yuan 远. In 648 BC, the State of Chu 楚国 attacked and destroyed the State of Huang, Duke Mu Huang Qisheng narrowly escaped under the escort of two guards and fled to the State of Qi 齐国 (in present-day Linzi, Shandong province). His family was massacred.
62nd Generation
Huang Yifang 黄义方 (b.646 BC)
He became the Prime Minister of the State of Qi during the 17th year of Lord Zhao of Qi 齐昭公 (616 BC).
63th Generation
Huang Wenqi 黄文绮
Styled Huang Xiu 黄休 or known as Huang Qi 黄绮. He became the "Zhong Dafu" 中大夫 of Lord Qing of Qi 齐顷公 in 595 BC.
64th Generation
Huang Hongji 黄宏济(b.591 BC)
His personal name was Huang Qiao 黄乔. In 572 BC, he moved to the state of Qin 秦国and was appointed "Dafu" 大夫. In 562 BC, he was conferred Marquis of Longxi 陇西侯 and stationed at Longxi (Present-day Longxi 陇西, Gansu province 甘肃省).
65th Generation
Huang Jingyuan 黄敬元 (b. 560 BC)
His personal name was Qin 秦. In 532 BC, Lord Ai of Qin 秦哀公 assigned him as General of Longxi 陇西将军 to assist the Duke of Longxi in resisting the Xirong 西戎 and Xiongnu 匈奴 barbarians.
66th Generation
Huang Xiang 黄象 (b. 535 BC)
He was "Zhu Bu" 主簿 of the State of Qin.
67th Generation
Huang Zhong 黄重 (b. 507 BC)
He was "You Lang" 右郎 of Lord Dao of Qin 秦悼公.
68th Generation
Huang Xu 黄序 (b. 480 BC)
69th Generation
Huang Xin 黄新 (b. 448 BC)
70th Generation
Huang Zang (b.418 BC)
He was the "Zhong Dafu" 中大夫 of Lord Hui of Qin 秦惠公 and moved to live at Xianyang 咸阳 (the capital of the State of Qin, present-day 12 li (6 km) northeast of Xianyang City 咸阳市, Shaanxi province 陕西).
71st Generation
Huang Jingxiu 黄景修 (b.385 BC)
Personal name Huang Ci. In the 22nd year of Lord Xian of Qin 周显王 (363 BC) he was appointed "Bo Si" 博士 by Lord Xian of Qin 秦献公 and advised the latter on State policies. In 359 BC Gongsun Yang 公孙鞅 (also known as Shang Yang 商鞅), a Legalist*, succeeded in persuading Lord Xiao of Qin 秦孝公 to implement strict laws and force all citizens into "productive occupations" such as agriculture and the army. The new laws had caused untold hardships to the people. Huang Jingxiu and the other ministers petitioned Lord Xiao to stop but the latter did not heed their plea. In 356 BC, fearing misfortune might befall him and his family, he went to 'Xin Luo' 新罗 (Korea) with his family and lived at the north of Yuan Shan 元山 (?).
Today there are people in Korea who bear the surname "Huang" (In Korean "Hwang" or "Whang"). They are descendants of Huang Jingxiu.
*The School of Legalist (Legalism) was based on the idea that man is by nature evil and undisciplined and can only be kept in order by fear and harsh punishments.
72nd Generation
Huang Wu 黄武 (b.361 BC).
He moved to "Qi Wu Pu" 济物浦 (Present-day Inchon, South Korea).
73th Generation
Huang Jian 黄建 (b. 336 BC)
Styled Huang Xingli 黄兴立.
74th Generation
Huang Xie 黄歇 (314 BC-238 BC)
Styled Huang Sufu. When he was 20 (in 295 BC) he returned to China to study and lived in Qianzhong 黔中 in the State of Chu (present-day Changde city 常德市, Hunan province 湖南省). He served the Chu State and was later appointed Prime Minister 相. He was conferred "Lord of Chunshen" 春申君 and 12 counties north of the Huai (River). In the 16th year of King Kaolie of Chu 楚考烈王, the conferment was changed to Wu 吴 (Present-day Suzhou 苏州 in Jiangsu Province). He was assassinated by 李园 Li Yuan's fighters in 238 BC, aged 76.
He had three wives: Lady Zheng 郑氏, Lady Li 李氏, Lady Gan 甘氏 and fathered 13 sons and 1 daughter, all of them held high positions in the State of Chu. When Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was assassinated, Li Yuan sent fighters to kill his whole family. The family of his 9th son was exterminated but his other children (who held official posts at different parts of the Chu) managed to escape and sought refuge in other States.
In 1992, the tomb of Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was discovered at Xiaozhen mountain 小真山, Suzhou 苏州, Jiangsu Province 江苏省, which was confirmed by Professor Zhang Zhengming 张正明教授, an expert on Chu History. The old name of Shanghai, Shen 申, was derived from his title. The present Huangpu river 黄浦江 in Shanghai is also called Chunshen river 春申江 or Chun river 春江, named after him.
75th Generation
Huang Wa 黄穵 (b.261 BC)
Huang Wa was at State of Qin when his father Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was assassinated in 238 BC. He petitioned Shi Huangdi 始皇帝 to invade the State of Chu and kill Li Yuan to avenge his father's death. Qin Shi Huang (Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor) of the Qin dynasty conferred him "Jinwu General" 金吾将军 for helping the Lord of Changping 昌平君 and the Prime Minister of Qin in suppressing the Miudu 谬毒 Rebellion.
76th Generation
Huang Tai 黄泰 (b. 236 BC)
Styled Huang Nanzhong 黄南仲. He lived at Xianyang 咸阳, capital of the State of Qin. In 215 BC, when he was 20 (21 sui) Qin Shi Huang assigned him to be "Zhi Gui Qing" 执圭卿. When Xianyang was destroyed by Xiang Yu 项羽 during the power struggle between Xiang Yu 项羽 and Liu Bang 刘邦, Huang Hao moved with his family to Xiaoxiang village 小乡村, south of the Wei river 渭水.
77th Generation
Huang Hao 黄蒿 (b.214 BC)
Styled Huang Chaochen 黄草臣. He lived at Xianyang and later moved to Xiaoxiang village, south of Wei river, with his family. In the 5th year of Emperor Hui 汉惠帝 (190 BC) of Han dynasty, Emperor Hui appointed him as the Governor of Zhending 真定太守 (Zhending is in present-day Hebei province). He later studied Daoism, changed his name to Huang An 黄安 and moved to Huolu 获鹿 county.
78th Generation
Huang Dingguo 黄定国 (b.193 BC)
Styled Huang Zhengping 黄正平. In 169 BC, he held the post of "Zheng Zhi" 正直. In 155 BC, Emperor Jing of Han 汉景帝 appointed him as the Magistrate of Peixian 沛县令 (Peixian is in present-day northwest Xuzhou city 徐州市, Jiangsu Province 江苏省, not Peijun 沛郡). Three years later (152 BC), he was promoted to Governor of Hedong 河东太守, the administrative center was Anyi 安邑 (Present-day northeast of Xiaxian 夏县, Shanxi Province 山西省). He moved to Hedong 河东.
79th Generation
Huang Song 黄嵩 (b. 172 BC)
Styled Huang Zhongyu 黄仲狱. In the 1st year of Jianyuan 建元 (140 BC), Emperor Wu of Han 汉武帝 assigned him to be Governor of Anding 安定太守 (The administrative seat of Anding was Gaoping 高平, in present-day Guyuan 固原, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回自治区). He lived at Guyuan, Anding.
80th Generation
Huang Zhang 黄彰 (150 BC-105 BC)
He was well-known for his literary works and study of Daoism. Emperor Wu of Han 汉武帝 offered him the post of Governor of Henan 河南太守 (administrative seat of Henan was at Huaiyang 淮阳, present-day Luoyang 洛阳, Henan Province 河南省). He retired in 106 BC and lived at Yangxia 阳夏of Huaiyang (present-day Taikang county 太康县, Henan Province). The following year (105 BC), he passed away of illness at Yangxia, aged 46. Emperor Wu sent messengers to convey his respects and conferred on him the title "Lord of Henan" 河南郡公).
81st Generation
Huang Ba 黄霸 (130 BC-51 BC)
Styled Huang Cigong 黄次公. In the 3rd year of Taishi 太始 (94 BC) he was appointed Deputy Governor of Henan 河南太守丞. In 66 BC, he was appointed Governor of Yingchuan 颖川太守 (Present-day Changge county 长葛县, Henan Province 河南省). His ideal administration was commented in Chinese history. In the 2nd year of Wufeng 五风 (56 BC), he was appointed Prime Minister 丞相 and conferred the title "Marquis of Jiancheng" 建成侯. The dukedom of Jiancheng 建成 was at present-day Yongcheng county 永城县, Henan Province 河南省. When he died in 51 BC, he was conferred the title "Ding Hou" 定侯 (Marquis of Ding).
82nd Generation
Huang Zhongda 黄仲达 (b.86 BC)
In the 2nd year of Chuyuan 初元 (47 BC), he was appointed "Jian Yi Da Fu" 谏议大夫.
83rd Generation
Huang Reng 黄仍 (b. 63 BC)
84th Generation
Huang Xiaojia 黄小嘉 (b. 39 BC)
85th Generation
Huang Yuanxiang 黄元相
86th Generation
Huang Boliang 黄伯良
87th Generation
Huang Kuang 黄况 (AD 30-AD 69)
In the 28th year of Jianwu 建武 (AD 52) he was appointed Magistrate of Ye 叶县令. In AD 62, he resigned from his post because of illness and returned to Yangxia. The following year (AD 63), he moved to Wuchang 武昌 in Jiangxia 江夏 (Present-day Wuhan city 武汉市, Hubei Province 湖北省). Because of a flood disaster in Wuchang, he moved to Anlu 安陆 (Present-day Anlu county 安陆县, Hubei Province 湖北省). He died of illness in AD 69, at the age of 39 (40 sui).
Huang Anmin 黄安民
Marquis of Huang
60th Generation
Huang Qian 黄前
Marquis of Huang
61st Generation
Huang Qisheng 黄企生 (b.693 BC)
King Hui of Zhou 周惠王 conferred him the title Marquis Mu 穆侯 and name Yuan 远. In 648 BC, the State of Chu 楚国 attacked and destroyed the State of Huang, Duke Mu Huang Qisheng narrowly escaped under the escort of two guards and fled to the State of Qi 齐国 (in present-day Linzi, Shandong province). His family was massacred.
62nd Generation
Huang Yifang 黄义方 (b.646 BC)
He became the Prime Minister of the State of Qi during the 17th year of Lord Zhao of Qi 齐昭公 (616 BC).
63th Generation
Huang Wenqi 黄文绮
Styled Huang Xiu 黄休 or known as Huang Qi 黄绮. He became the "Zhong Dafu" 中大夫 of Lord Qing of Qi 齐顷公 in 595 BC.
64th Generation
Huang Hongji 黄宏济(b.591 BC)
His personal name was Huang Qiao 黄乔. In 572 BC, he moved to the state of Qin 秦国and was appointed "Dafu" 大夫. In 562 BC, he was conferred Marquis of Longxi 陇西侯 and stationed at Longxi (Present-day Longxi 陇西, Gansu province 甘肃省).
65th Generation
Huang Jingyuan 黄敬元 (b. 560 BC)
His personal name was Qin 秦. In 532 BC, Lord Ai of Qin 秦哀公 assigned him as General of Longxi 陇西将军 to assist the Duke of Longxi in resisting the Xirong 西戎 and Xiongnu 匈奴 barbarians.
66th Generation
Huang Xiang 黄象 (b. 535 BC)
He was "Zhu Bu" 主簿 of the State of Qin.
67th Generation
Huang Zhong 黄重 (b. 507 BC)
He was "You Lang" 右郎 of Lord Dao of Qin 秦悼公.
68th Generation
Huang Xu 黄序 (b. 480 BC)
69th Generation
Huang Xin 黄新 (b. 448 BC)
70th Generation
Huang Zang (b.418 BC)
He was the "Zhong Dafu" 中大夫 of Lord Hui of Qin 秦惠公 and moved to live at Xianyang 咸阳 (the capital of the State of Qin, present-day 12 li (6 km) northeast of Xianyang City 咸阳市, Shaanxi province 陕西).
71st Generation
Huang Jingxiu 黄景修 (b.385 BC)
Personal name Huang Ci. In the 22nd year of Lord Xian of Qin 周显王 (363 BC) he was appointed "Bo Si" 博士 by Lord Xian of Qin 秦献公 and advised the latter on State policies. In 359 BC Gongsun Yang 公孙鞅 (also known as Shang Yang 商鞅), a Legalist*, succeeded in persuading Lord Xiao of Qin 秦孝公 to implement strict laws and force all citizens into "productive occupations" such as agriculture and the army. The new laws had caused untold hardships to the people. Huang Jingxiu and the other ministers petitioned Lord Xiao to stop but the latter did not heed their plea. In 356 BC, fearing misfortune might befall him and his family, he went to 'Xin Luo' 新罗 (Korea) with his family and lived at the north of Yuan Shan 元山 (?).
Today there are people in Korea who bear the surname "Huang" (In Korean "Hwang" or "Whang"). They are descendants of Huang Jingxiu.
*The School of Legalist (Legalism) was based on the idea that man is by nature evil and undisciplined and can only be kept in order by fear and harsh punishments.
72nd Generation
Huang Wu 黄武 (b.361 BC).
He moved to "Qi Wu Pu" 济物浦 (Present-day Inchon, South Korea).
73th Generation
Huang Jian 黄建 (b. 336 BC)
Styled Huang Xingli 黄兴立.
74th Generation
Huang Xie 黄歇 (314 BC-238 BC)
Styled Huang Sufu. When he was 20 (in 295 BC) he returned to China to study and lived in Qianzhong 黔中 in the State of Chu (present-day Changde city 常德市, Hunan province 湖南省). He served the Chu State and was later appointed Prime Minister 相. He was conferred "Lord of Chunshen" 春申君 and 12 counties north of the Huai (River). In the 16th year of King Kaolie of Chu 楚考烈王, the conferment was changed to Wu 吴 (Present-day Suzhou 苏州 in Jiangsu Province). He was assassinated by 李园 Li Yuan's fighters in 238 BC, aged 76.
He had three wives: Lady Zheng 郑氏, Lady Li 李氏, Lady Gan 甘氏 and fathered 13 sons and 1 daughter, all of them held high positions in the State of Chu. When Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was assassinated, Li Yuan sent fighters to kill his whole family. The family of his 9th son was exterminated but his other children (who held official posts at different parts of the Chu) managed to escape and sought refuge in other States.
In 1992, the tomb of Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was discovered at Xiaozhen mountain 小真山, Suzhou 苏州, Jiangsu Province 江苏省, which was confirmed by Professor Zhang Zhengming 张正明教授, an expert on Chu History. The old name of Shanghai, Shen 申, was derived from his title. The present Huangpu river 黄浦江 in Shanghai is also called Chunshen river 春申江 or Chun river 春江, named after him.
75th Generation
Huang Wa 黄穵 (b.261 BC)
Huang Wa was at State of Qin when his father Huang Xie, the Lord of Chunshen was assassinated in 238 BC. He petitioned Shi Huangdi 始皇帝 to invade the State of Chu and kill Li Yuan to avenge his father's death. Qin Shi Huang (Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor) of the Qin dynasty conferred him "Jinwu General" 金吾将军 for helping the Lord of Changping 昌平君 and the Prime Minister of Qin in suppressing the Miudu 谬毒 Rebellion.
76th Generation
Huang Tai 黄泰 (b. 236 BC)
Styled Huang Nanzhong 黄南仲. He lived at Xianyang 咸阳, capital of the State of Qin. In 215 BC, when he was 20 (21 sui) Qin Shi Huang assigned him to be "Zhi Gui Qing" 执圭卿. When Xianyang was destroyed by Xiang Yu 项羽 during the power struggle between Xiang Yu 项羽 and Liu Bang 刘邦, Huang Hao moved with his family to Xiaoxiang village 小乡村, south of the Wei river 渭水.
77th Generation
Huang Hao 黄蒿 (b.214 BC)
Styled Huang Chaochen 黄草臣. He lived at Xianyang and later moved to Xiaoxiang village, south of Wei river, with his family. In the 5th year of Emperor Hui 汉惠帝 (190 BC) of Han dynasty, Emperor Hui appointed him as the Governor of Zhending 真定太守 (Zhending is in present-day Hebei province). He later studied Daoism, changed his name to Huang An 黄安 and moved to Huolu 获鹿 county.
78th Generation
Huang Dingguo 黄定国 (b.193 BC)
Styled Huang Zhengping 黄正平. In 169 BC, he held the post of "Zheng Zhi" 正直. In 155 BC, Emperor Jing of Han 汉景帝 appointed him as the Magistrate of Peixian 沛县令 (Peixian is in present-day northwest Xuzhou city 徐州市, Jiangsu Province 江苏省, not Peijun 沛郡). Three years later (152 BC), he was promoted to Governor of Hedong 河东太守, the administrative center was Anyi 安邑 (Present-day northeast of Xiaxian 夏县, Shanxi Province 山西省). He moved to Hedong 河东.
79th Generation
Huang Song 黄嵩 (b. 172 BC)
Styled Huang Zhongyu 黄仲狱. In the 1st year of Jianyuan 建元 (140 BC), Emperor Wu of Han 汉武帝 assigned him to be Governor of Anding 安定太守 (The administrative seat of Anding was Gaoping 高平, in present-day Guyuan 固原, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回自治区). He lived at Guyuan, Anding.
80th Generation
Huang Zhang 黄彰 (150 BC-105 BC)
He was well-known for his literary works and study of Daoism. Emperor Wu of Han 汉武帝 offered him the post of Governor of Henan 河南太守 (administrative seat of Henan was at Huaiyang 淮阳, present-day Luoyang 洛阳, Henan Province 河南省). He retired in 106 BC and lived at Yangxia 阳夏of Huaiyang (present-day Taikang county 太康县, Henan Province). The following year (105 BC), he passed away of illness at Yangxia, aged 46. Emperor Wu sent messengers to convey his respects and conferred on him the title "Lord of Henan" 河南郡公).
81st Generation
Huang Ba 黄霸 (130 BC-51 BC)
Styled Huang Cigong 黄次公. In the 3rd year of Taishi 太始 (94 BC) he was appointed Deputy Governor of Henan 河南太守丞. In 66 BC, he was appointed Governor of Yingchuan 颖川太守 (Present-day Changge county 长葛县, Henan Province 河南省). His ideal administration was commented in Chinese history. In the 2nd year of Wufeng 五风 (56 BC), he was appointed Prime Minister 丞相 and conferred the title "Marquis of Jiancheng" 建成侯. The dukedom of Jiancheng 建成 was at present-day Yongcheng county 永城县, Henan Province 河南省. When he died in 51 BC, he was conferred the title "Ding Hou" 定侯 (Marquis of Ding).
82nd Generation
Huang Zhongda 黄仲达 (b.86 BC)
In the 2nd year of Chuyuan 初元 (47 BC), he was appointed "Jian Yi Da Fu" 谏议大夫.
83rd Generation
Huang Reng 黄仍 (b. 63 BC)
84th Generation
Huang Xiaojia 黄小嘉 (b. 39 BC)
85th Generation
Huang Yuanxiang 黄元相
86th Generation
Huang Boliang 黄伯良
87th Generation
Huang Kuang 黄况 (AD 30-AD 69)
In the 28th year of Jianwu 建武 (AD 52) he was appointed Magistrate of Ye 叶县令. In AD 62, he resigned from his post because of illness and returned to Yangxia. The following year (AD 63), he moved to Wuchang 武昌 in Jiangxia 江夏 (Present-day Wuhan city 武汉市, Hubei Province 湖北省). Because of a flood disaster in Wuchang, he moved to Anlu 安陆 (Present-day Anlu county 安陆县, Hubei Province 湖北省). He died of illness in AD 69, at the age of 39 (40 sui).
88th Generation
Huang Xiang 黄香 (AD 53-AD 117)
Styled Huang Wenjiang 黄文疆. His mother died when he was only 8 (9 sui) and he served his father with utmost filial piety. Huang Xiang was a noted filial son in Chinese history. He was widely read. In the 6th year of Yongyuan 永元 (AD 94), he was appointed "Shang Shu Ling" 尚书令 by Emperor He of Han 汉和帝. In the 1st year of Yanping 延平 (AD 106),he became the Governor of Weijun 魏郡太守 (Present-day Yexian 邺县, southwest of Linzhang 临漳, Hebei Province 河北省).
89th Generation
Huang Qiong 黄琼 (AD 86-AD164)
Styled Huang Shiying 黄世英. He was a "Shang Shu Ling" 尚书令. He held the posts of "Si Kong" 司空,"Situ" 司徒 and "Da Si Nong" 大司农 in succession before he was promoted to "Tai Wei" 太尉 in AD 159, and conferred Marquis of Kangxiang 亢乡侯 (The dukedom of Kangxiang was at present-day Yingchuan county 颖川县, Henan Province 河南省). When he died in AD164, he was honoured "General of Cavalry" 车骑将军 and conferred "Loyal Marquis" 忠侯. In Chinese history, he is known as "Kang Xiang Zhong Hou" 亢乡忠侯 (Loyal Duke of Kangxiang).
90th Generation
Huang Ge 黄阁
91st Generation
Huang Wan 黄琬 (AD 141-AD 192)
Styled Huang Ziyan 黄子琰. He was conferred "Duke of Guannei" 关内侯 by the Han dynasty. He was "Si Tu" 司徒 and was later promoted to "Tai Wei" 太蔚 and Duke of Yangchuan (The dukedom of Yangchuan was at present-day Huoqiu county, Anhui Province). When the treacherous Prime Minister, Dong Zhuo, forced Emperor Xian 献帝 to move the capital to Chang'an 长安, Huang Wan stood up against Dong Zhuo for manipulating political powers. In AD 192, he plotted with Si Tu Wang Yun 王允 to murder Dong Zhuo. Not long later, Dong Zhuo had Huang Wan imprisoned and he later died in prison as a loyal official of the Han court.
92nd Generation
Huang Kan 黄侃 (b.AD 175)
Styled Huang Jingmao 黄荆茂. In the 7th year of Jian'an 建安 (AD 202), Huang Kan commanded an army and crushed the Jiaodong 胶东 Rebellion. Emperor Xian of Han 汉献帝 appointed him "Qi Du Wei" 骑都尉 and stationed him at the capital, Chang'an 长安. In the 9th year of Jian'an (AD 204) he resigned from his post and moved to Liuqiaotou village 柳桥头村, Gushi county 固始县, Guangzhou 光州, Henan 河南(Present-day Gushi county 固始县, Henan province 河南省).
93th Generation
Huang Ji (AD 195-AD 268)
Styled Huang Yuxin 黄玉信. He studied martial arts and learnt military strategies. He held the posts of Wei (a Military post) of Nanyang 南阳尉 and Governor of Dongjun 东郡太守 in succession before he was appointed "Guang Lu Xun" 光禄勋 in the 2nd year of Taishi 泰始 (AD 267). He passed away the following year (AD 268), aged 73 (74 sui) and was buried at the southern bank of River Huai at Liuqiaotou, behind the double-tomb of his parents.
94th Generation
Huang Wan 黄绾
95th Generation
Huang Yuan 黄瑗 (b.AD 232)
Styled Huang Yiqu 黄义蘧
96th Generation
Huang Gong 黄恭 (b. AD 260)
Styled Huang Shichen 黄实忱. He was well-versed in Classics, but he did not seek any official appointment.
97th Generation
Huang Hong (b.AD 285)
Styled Huang Bixiang 黄必祥 and also known as Huang Shizhang 黄始长.
98th Generation
Huang Cong 黄聪 (AD308-AD380)
Styled Huang Yuanfang 黄元方. He was unhappy to live under barbarian rulers (who ruled north China at that time). In AD 322, he followed the Han refugees and crossed the Yang-tze River to Eastern Jin (He was only 14(15 sui)). In the 2nd year of Xianhe (AD 327) he was appointed Governor 太守 of Jin'an 晋安. After his retirement, he was conferred the title "Duke of the Min State" 闽国公. He moved to Shishan, Houguan county of Jianzhou (Houguan county is present-day Minhou [Ganzhe] county, Fuzhou, Fujian Province) and founded a village school. Later in AD 376 he moved to Guansou, Huajin countryside, Suicheng county (Present-day Guansou, Kantou village, Heping, Shaowu, Fujian province) and finally settled at Renzi village of Beixiang. After his death in AD 380, Emperor Xiaowu of Eastern Jin 晋孝武帝 conferred him the title "Kai Guo Gong" 开国公.
99th Generation
Huang Zhongwen 黄仲文 (b.AD 335)
His personal name was Huang Zhong 黄仲, styled Huang Zhengshu 黄正叔.During the Xingning 兴宁 era (AD 363- AD 365) of Emperor Ai 哀帝 of Eastern Jin 东晋, he was the Regional Director 刺史 of Quanzhou 泉州.
100th Generation
Huang Qingzhao 黄庆肇 (b.AD 364)
Styled Huang Jingu 黄金谷. In the 2nd year of Long'an (AD 398), he was the "Si Hu" 司户 of Wuzhou 婺州 in Zhexi 浙西.
101th Generation
Huang Yongbo 黄雍伯 (b.AD 393)
Styled Huang Ziqian 黄自谦. He was also known as Huang Yunchuan 黄云川. He was well-versed in Classics and History. In the 1st year of Yuanxi 元熙 (AD 419), he was appointed as Dong Guan She Ren 东宫舍人. Emperor Wen of Song 宋文帝 appointed him as "Tai Shi" 太史. He retired in AD 453 aged 60 (61 sui).
102th Generation
Huang Ruyi 黄如意 (b.AD 421)
In the first year of Xiaojian during the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of Song 宋孝武帝 (AD 454), he was conferred Bo Si and held the post of Guo Zi Jian Si Ye 国子监司业.
103th Generation
Huang Qi 黄齐 (b. AD 450)
In the 2nd year of Yongming during the reign of Emperor Wu of Southern Qi 南齐武帝 (AD 484), he was appointed Zhong Lang Jiang 中郎将.
104th Generation
Huang Xi 黄西 (b. AD 477)
Styled Huang Jingling 黄敬陵. In the 3rd year of Tianjian during the reign of Emperor Wu of Liang 梁武帝 (AD 504), he was appointed Governor of Huiqi 会稽 (The administrative centre of Huiqi was at present-day Suzhou 苏州 in Jiangsu province 江苏省) .
105th Generation
Huang Guilin 黄贵林 (b. 507)
His personal name was Huang Qu 黄曲. In the 1st year of Taibao during the reign of Emperor Jianwen 简文帝 (AD 550), he was appointed Guo Zi Jian Zhai Jiu 国子监祭酒.
106th Generation
Huang Duanyi 黄端仪 (b. AD 535-581)
He was the Magistrate 令 of Duyang 都阳 (present-day Duyang, Guangxi 广西).
107th Generation
Huang Ziruo 黄子若 (b. AD 564)
Styled Huang Zhiming 黄志明. He was a talented scholar and was bestowed marriage to Princess Chen Wen of the Chen dynasty (AD 557-AD 589) and was the Imperial in-Law 驸马. He was the Regional Director 刺史 of Jingzhou. In AD 587, his post was changed to Regional Director of Quzhou. When the Chen dynasty was overthrown in AD 589, he continued to hold that post under the Sui dynasty until his retirement in AD 605.
108th Generation
Huang Taozhi 黄滔之 (b. AD 593)
His personal name was Huang Kong 黄孔, he was known by the name Huang Yi 黄毅, styled Huang Zuohong 黄左弘. When he was young, he studied with Mei Shanshen at Lichuan in Jiangxi.
109th Generation
Huang Kaikang 黄恺康 (AD 624-683)
Styled Huang Shouqian 黄守谦. In the 2nd year of Qianfeng (AD 667)during the reign of Tang emperor Gaozong 唐高宗, he was appointed Minister of Personnel 吏部尚书. Emperor Gaozong conferred on him special title of Zi Guang Lu Da Fu 紫光禄大夫 .
110th Generation
Huang Tingjian 黄廷坚 (AD 652-716)
His personal name was Huang Long 黄龙, styled Huang Tianyu 天与.In the 1st year of Sisheng during the reign of Tang emperor Zhongzong 唐中宗, he was appointed the Deputy Minister of Personnel 吏部侍郎, and served under five sovereigns- Zhongzong 中宗, Ruizong 睿宗, Wu Hou 武后 (Wu Zetian), Shaodi 少帝, and Xuanzong 玄宗.
111th Generation
Huang Shiwen 黄时文 (AD 680-753)
His personal name was Huang Fang 黄芳, styled Huang Zhuyan 黄竹岩. In the 1st year of Jinglong during the reign of Emperor Zhongzhong, he passed the Civil Examination and became a Jinshi scholar, and was appointed Shi Guan Bian Xiu 史馆编修. Later he was transferred to Jianzhou 建州 as Can Jun 参军 of Jian'an 建安, where he held the post for 20 years before retired because of his poor health. Two years later, in the 18th year of Kaiyuan (AD 730), he was appointed Bie Jia 别驾 of Jianzhou, finally retired in AD 733 because of illness.
112th Generation
Huang Chong 黄冲 (AD 707-774)
He compiled the family genealogy and refused officialdom.
113rd Generation
Huang Qingying 黄庆膺 (AD 743-818)
His personal name was Huang Ying 黄膺, styled Huang Shiming 黄世铭. He was enlisted in the army of Crown Prince Li Shi 李适 to Min (Fujian). Crown Prince Li Shi stationed at Jianzhou 建州 (present-day Nanping City 南平市, Fujian Province) and appointed Huang Qingying as Magistrate of Changle 长乐令. Huang Qingying lived at Qingshan 青山, east of Changle 长乐. Crown Prince Li Shi later ascended the throne and became Emperor Dezong 唐德宗 (AD 779-AD 805). Huang Qingying later moved to Pingsa village 平洒, Shaowu 邵武, Fujian (present-day Jiuxian village 旧县村, Shuibei countryside 水北乡, Shaowu, Fujian) and founded a village school.
Married Lin Shi 林氏 and Zheng Shi 郑氏 and begot six sons: Yicun 义村, Hao 皓, Sheng 盛, Gui 桂, Fang 枋, and Bo 柏.
114th Generation
Huang Hao 黄皓 (AD 781-858)
His personal name was Huang Kun 黄昆, styled Huang Yan'gao 彦高. In the 2nd year of Yuanhe (AD 807), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 26 (27 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar 进士. He was appointed Scholar of Hanlin Academy 翰林学士. He retired in AD 830 at the age of 49 (50 sui) and lived at Changle 长乐.The following year, he moved with his family to Heping 禾坪, Shaowu 邵武.
Married Jiang Shi 蒋氏 (AD 785-865) and begot three sons: Guiyuan 贵远, Guihua 贵华 and Guixian 贵显.
115th Generation
Huang Guihua 黄贵华 (AD 808-884)
His personal name was Huang Su 黄肃, styled Huang Cijin 黄次金 and he was also known as Huang Mingyi 黄明义. In the 1st year of Kaicheng 开成 (AD 836), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 28 (29 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar 进士. Two years later (AD 838), he was promoted to "Dian Zhong Shi Yu Shi" 殿中侍御史. He served four Tang Emperors- Wen Zong 唐文宗, Wu Zong 唐武宗, Xuan Zong 唐宣宗 and Yi Zong 唐懿宗. He later retired from politics and returned to Shaowu to manage his fields.
Married Zheng Shi 郑氏 (AD 813-868) and begot four sons: Gui 圭, Zhang 璋, Ben 贲, and Xi 锡.
116th Generation
Huang Xi 黄锡 (AD 845-917)
His personal name was Huang Zhong, he was also known by the names Huang Yuji, Huang Xiyu and was also known as Huang Kecheng). In the 8th year of Xiantong 咸通 (AD 867), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 22 (23 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar. He was appointed Magistrate 令 of Lianghe 良和县 county (Present-day Jinxian county 进贤县 of Jiangxi province 江西省) and later transferred as Magistrate of Heyang county 河阳县 (Present-day Zixi county 资溪县 of Jiangxi province). He died in AD 917 and was buried at Heping 禾坪, Shaowu 邵武. In November 2003, the Webmaster paid respects at his tomb.
Married Li Shi (AD 847-863), a descendant of the Tang royal family and begot a son, Deshan 德山. After giving birth, Li Shi bleed ceaselessly and died three month later. Huang Xi married Liu Shi 刘氏 (b.AD 846) and begot Yishan 义山 and Haishan 海山. He married Yang Shi 杨氏 (AD 846-879) and begot Qiaoshan 峭山. After Yang Shi died in AD 879, Huang Xi married Wu Shi (b.866). Huang Xi and Wu Shi did not have any son. Wu Shi was buried in a double tomb with Huang Xi.
The Tomb of Huang Xi
Huang Xiang 黄香 (AD 53-AD 117)
Styled Huang Wenjiang 黄文疆. His mother died when he was only 8 (9 sui) and he served his father with utmost filial piety. Huang Xiang was a noted filial son in Chinese history. He was widely read. In the 6th year of Yongyuan 永元 (AD 94), he was appointed "Shang Shu Ling" 尚书令 by Emperor He of Han 汉和帝. In the 1st year of Yanping 延平 (AD 106),he became the Governor of Weijun 魏郡太守 (Present-day Yexian 邺县, southwest of Linzhang 临漳, Hebei Province 河北省).
89th Generation
Huang Qiong 黄琼 (AD 86-AD164)
Styled Huang Shiying 黄世英. He was a "Shang Shu Ling" 尚书令. He held the posts of "Si Kong" 司空,"Situ" 司徒 and "Da Si Nong" 大司农 in succession before he was promoted to "Tai Wei" 太尉 in AD 159, and conferred Marquis of Kangxiang 亢乡侯 (The dukedom of Kangxiang was at present-day Yingchuan county 颖川县, Henan Province 河南省). When he died in AD164, he was honoured "General of Cavalry" 车骑将军 and conferred "Loyal Marquis" 忠侯. In Chinese history, he is known as "Kang Xiang Zhong Hou" 亢乡忠侯 (Loyal Duke of Kangxiang).
90th Generation
Huang Ge 黄阁
91st Generation
Huang Wan 黄琬 (AD 141-AD 192)
Styled Huang Ziyan 黄子琰. He was conferred "Duke of Guannei" 关内侯 by the Han dynasty. He was "Si Tu" 司徒 and was later promoted to "Tai Wei" 太蔚 and Duke of Yangchuan (The dukedom of Yangchuan was at present-day Huoqiu county, Anhui Province). When the treacherous Prime Minister, Dong Zhuo, forced Emperor Xian 献帝 to move the capital to Chang'an 长安, Huang Wan stood up against Dong Zhuo for manipulating political powers. In AD 192, he plotted with Si Tu Wang Yun 王允 to murder Dong Zhuo. Not long later, Dong Zhuo had Huang Wan imprisoned and he later died in prison as a loyal official of the Han court.
92nd Generation
Huang Kan 黄侃 (b.AD 175)
Styled Huang Jingmao 黄荆茂. In the 7th year of Jian'an 建安 (AD 202), Huang Kan commanded an army and crushed the Jiaodong 胶东 Rebellion. Emperor Xian of Han 汉献帝 appointed him "Qi Du Wei" 骑都尉 and stationed him at the capital, Chang'an 长安. In the 9th year of Jian'an (AD 204) he resigned from his post and moved to Liuqiaotou village 柳桥头村, Gushi county 固始县, Guangzhou 光州, Henan 河南(Present-day Gushi county 固始县, Henan province 河南省).
93th Generation
Huang Ji (AD 195-AD 268)
Styled Huang Yuxin 黄玉信. He studied martial arts and learnt military strategies. He held the posts of Wei (a Military post) of Nanyang 南阳尉 and Governor of Dongjun 东郡太守 in succession before he was appointed "Guang Lu Xun" 光禄勋 in the 2nd year of Taishi 泰始 (AD 267). He passed away the following year (AD 268), aged 73 (74 sui) and was buried at the southern bank of River Huai at Liuqiaotou, behind the double-tomb of his parents.
94th Generation
Huang Wan 黄绾
95th Generation
Huang Yuan 黄瑗 (b.AD 232)
Styled Huang Yiqu 黄义蘧
96th Generation
Huang Gong 黄恭 (b. AD 260)
Styled Huang Shichen 黄实忱. He was well-versed in Classics, but he did not seek any official appointment.
97th Generation
Huang Hong (b.AD 285)
Styled Huang Bixiang 黄必祥 and also known as Huang Shizhang 黄始长.
98th Generation
Huang Cong 黄聪 (AD308-AD380)
Styled Huang Yuanfang 黄元方. He was unhappy to live under barbarian rulers (who ruled north China at that time). In AD 322, he followed the Han refugees and crossed the Yang-tze River to Eastern Jin (He was only 14(15 sui)). In the 2nd year of Xianhe (AD 327) he was appointed Governor 太守 of Jin'an 晋安. After his retirement, he was conferred the title "Duke of the Min State" 闽国公. He moved to Shishan, Houguan county of Jianzhou (Houguan county is present-day Minhou [Ganzhe] county, Fuzhou, Fujian Province) and founded a village school. Later in AD 376 he moved to Guansou, Huajin countryside, Suicheng county (Present-day Guansou, Kantou village, Heping, Shaowu, Fujian province) and finally settled at Renzi village of Beixiang. After his death in AD 380, Emperor Xiaowu of Eastern Jin 晋孝武帝 conferred him the title "Kai Guo Gong" 开国公.
99th Generation
Huang Zhongwen 黄仲文 (b.AD 335)
His personal name was Huang Zhong 黄仲, styled Huang Zhengshu 黄正叔.During the Xingning 兴宁 era (AD 363- AD 365) of Emperor Ai 哀帝 of Eastern Jin 东晋, he was the Regional Director 刺史 of Quanzhou 泉州.
100th Generation
Huang Qingzhao 黄庆肇 (b.AD 364)
Styled Huang Jingu 黄金谷. In the 2nd year of Long'an (AD 398), he was the "Si Hu" 司户 of Wuzhou 婺州 in Zhexi 浙西.
101th Generation
Huang Yongbo 黄雍伯 (b.AD 393)
Styled Huang Ziqian 黄自谦. He was also known as Huang Yunchuan 黄云川. He was well-versed in Classics and History. In the 1st year of Yuanxi 元熙 (AD 419), he was appointed as Dong Guan She Ren 东宫舍人. Emperor Wen of Song 宋文帝 appointed him as "Tai Shi" 太史. He retired in AD 453 aged 60 (61 sui).
102th Generation
Huang Ruyi 黄如意 (b.AD 421)
In the first year of Xiaojian during the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of Song 宋孝武帝 (AD 454), he was conferred Bo Si and held the post of Guo Zi Jian Si Ye 国子监司业.
103th Generation
Huang Qi 黄齐 (b. AD 450)
In the 2nd year of Yongming during the reign of Emperor Wu of Southern Qi 南齐武帝 (AD 484), he was appointed Zhong Lang Jiang 中郎将.
104th Generation
Huang Xi 黄西 (b. AD 477)
Styled Huang Jingling 黄敬陵. In the 3rd year of Tianjian during the reign of Emperor Wu of Liang 梁武帝 (AD 504), he was appointed Governor of Huiqi 会稽 (The administrative centre of Huiqi was at present-day Suzhou 苏州 in Jiangsu province 江苏省) .
105th Generation
Huang Guilin 黄贵林 (b. 507)
His personal name was Huang Qu 黄曲. In the 1st year of Taibao during the reign of Emperor Jianwen 简文帝 (AD 550), he was appointed Guo Zi Jian Zhai Jiu 国子监祭酒.
106th Generation
Huang Duanyi 黄端仪 (b. AD 535-581)
He was the Magistrate 令 of Duyang 都阳 (present-day Duyang, Guangxi 广西).
107th Generation
Huang Ziruo 黄子若 (b. AD 564)
Styled Huang Zhiming 黄志明. He was a talented scholar and was bestowed marriage to Princess Chen Wen of the Chen dynasty (AD 557-AD 589) and was the Imperial in-Law 驸马. He was the Regional Director 刺史 of Jingzhou. In AD 587, his post was changed to Regional Director of Quzhou. When the Chen dynasty was overthrown in AD 589, he continued to hold that post under the Sui dynasty until his retirement in AD 605.
108th Generation
Huang Taozhi 黄滔之 (b. AD 593)
His personal name was Huang Kong 黄孔, he was known by the name Huang Yi 黄毅, styled Huang Zuohong 黄左弘. When he was young, he studied with Mei Shanshen at Lichuan in Jiangxi.
109th Generation
Huang Kaikang 黄恺康 (AD 624-683)
Styled Huang Shouqian 黄守谦. In the 2nd year of Qianfeng (AD 667)during the reign of Tang emperor Gaozong 唐高宗, he was appointed Minister of Personnel 吏部尚书. Emperor Gaozong conferred on him special title of Zi Guang Lu Da Fu 紫光禄大夫 .
110th Generation
Huang Tingjian 黄廷坚 (AD 652-716)
His personal name was Huang Long 黄龙, styled Huang Tianyu 天与.In the 1st year of Sisheng during the reign of Tang emperor Zhongzong 唐中宗, he was appointed the Deputy Minister of Personnel 吏部侍郎, and served under five sovereigns- Zhongzong 中宗, Ruizong 睿宗, Wu Hou 武后 (Wu Zetian), Shaodi 少帝, and Xuanzong 玄宗.
111th Generation
Huang Shiwen 黄时文 (AD 680-753)
His personal name was Huang Fang 黄芳, styled Huang Zhuyan 黄竹岩. In the 1st year of Jinglong during the reign of Emperor Zhongzhong, he passed the Civil Examination and became a Jinshi scholar, and was appointed Shi Guan Bian Xiu 史馆编修. Later he was transferred to Jianzhou 建州 as Can Jun 参军 of Jian'an 建安, where he held the post for 20 years before retired because of his poor health. Two years later, in the 18th year of Kaiyuan (AD 730), he was appointed Bie Jia 别驾 of Jianzhou, finally retired in AD 733 because of illness.
112th Generation
Huang Chong 黄冲 (AD 707-774)
He compiled the family genealogy and refused officialdom.
113rd Generation
Huang Qingying 黄庆膺 (AD 743-818)
His personal name was Huang Ying 黄膺, styled Huang Shiming 黄世铭. He was enlisted in the army of Crown Prince Li Shi 李适 to Min (Fujian). Crown Prince Li Shi stationed at Jianzhou 建州 (present-day Nanping City 南平市, Fujian Province) and appointed Huang Qingying as Magistrate of Changle 长乐令. Huang Qingying lived at Qingshan 青山, east of Changle 长乐. Crown Prince Li Shi later ascended the throne and became Emperor Dezong 唐德宗 (AD 779-AD 805). Huang Qingying later moved to Pingsa village 平洒, Shaowu 邵武, Fujian (present-day Jiuxian village 旧县村, Shuibei countryside 水北乡, Shaowu, Fujian) and founded a village school.
Married Lin Shi 林氏 and Zheng Shi 郑氏 and begot six sons: Yicun 义村, Hao 皓, Sheng 盛, Gui 桂, Fang 枋, and Bo 柏.
114th Generation
Huang Hao 黄皓 (AD 781-858)
His personal name was Huang Kun 黄昆, styled Huang Yan'gao 彦高. In the 2nd year of Yuanhe (AD 807), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 26 (27 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar 进士. He was appointed Scholar of Hanlin Academy 翰林学士. He retired in AD 830 at the age of 49 (50 sui) and lived at Changle 长乐.The following year, he moved with his family to Heping 禾坪, Shaowu 邵武.
Married Jiang Shi 蒋氏 (AD 785-865) and begot three sons: Guiyuan 贵远, Guihua 贵华 and Guixian 贵显.
115th Generation
Huang Guihua 黄贵华 (AD 808-884)
His personal name was Huang Su 黄肃, styled Huang Cijin 黄次金 and he was also known as Huang Mingyi 黄明义. In the 1st year of Kaicheng 开成 (AD 836), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 28 (29 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar 进士. Two years later (AD 838), he was promoted to "Dian Zhong Shi Yu Shi" 殿中侍御史. He served four Tang Emperors- Wen Zong 唐文宗, Wu Zong 唐武宗, Xuan Zong 唐宣宗 and Yi Zong 唐懿宗. He later retired from politics and returned to Shaowu to manage his fields.
Married Zheng Shi 郑氏 (AD 813-868) and begot four sons: Gui 圭, Zhang 璋, Ben 贲, and Xi 锡.
116th Generation
Huang Xi 黄锡 (AD 845-917)
His personal name was Huang Zhong, he was also known by the names Huang Yuji, Huang Xiyu and was also known as Huang Kecheng). In the 8th year of Xiantong 咸通 (AD 867), he passed the Civil Examination at the age of 22 (23 sui) and became a "Jinshi" Scholar. He was appointed Magistrate 令 of Lianghe 良和县 county (Present-day Jinxian county 进贤县 of Jiangxi province 江西省) and later transferred as Magistrate of Heyang county 河阳县 (Present-day Zixi county 资溪县 of Jiangxi province). He died in AD 917 and was buried at Heping 禾坪, Shaowu 邵武. In November 2003, the Webmaster paid respects at his tomb.
Married Li Shi (AD 847-863), a descendant of the Tang royal family and begot a son, Deshan 德山. After giving birth, Li Shi bleed ceaselessly and died three month later. Huang Xi married Liu Shi 刘氏 (b.AD 846) and begot Yishan 义山 and Haishan 海山. He married Yang Shi 杨氏 (AD 846-879) and begot Qiaoshan 峭山. After Yang Shi died in AD 879, Huang Xi married Wu Shi (b.866). Huang Xi and Wu Shi did not have any son. Wu Shi was buried in a double tomb with Huang Xi.
The Tomb of Huang Xi
117th Generation
Huang Qiaoshan 黄峭山 (AD871- 953)
His personal name was Huang Yue 黄岳, styled Huang Renjing 黄仁静 and Huang Qinggang 黄青岗. He was also known as Huang Qiao 黄峭. In AD 891, he became a battalion leader 千夫长 under the service of Li Keyong 李克用, Prince of Longxi 陇西郡王. Later, Huang Qiaoshan scored military merits and was conferred "Marquis of a Thousand Households" 万户侯 by Emperor Zhaozong of Tang (dynasty) 唐昭宗 in AD 895. In AD 896 he was promoted to Vice-Minister of Works 工部侍郎. When the Tang dynasty fell in AD 907, Huang Qiaoshan retired from politics and returned to his home village at Shaowu. He founded the famous Heping Suyuan (Heping Academy) and composed the famous poem "The Four Seasons".
He married three wives, Shangguan Shi 上官氏, Wu Shi 吴氏, Zheng Shi 郑氏, and had 21 sons, 155 grandsons, 334 great-grandsons. After the fall of the Tang dynasty in AD 907, China plunged into a period of wars and chaos, in what was known as the Five Dynasties' Period 五代 (AD 907-AD 960). In AD 951, he instructed his 18 younger sons and their families to live separately for the eternal preservation of the lineage, keeping the eldest son from each of his three wives and their families at Shaowu.
The sons of Huang Qiaoshan were: He 和, Mei 梅, Xun 荀, Gai 盖, Chu 楚, Gui 龟, Yang 洋, Zheng 郑, Hua 化, Qu 衢, Lu 庐, Fu 福, Lin 林, Tang 塘, Fa 发, Tan 潭, Cheng 城, Ting 廷, Yun 允, Jing 井 and Ceng 层.(They are listed according to the seniority of their mother and not their birth-year.) According to the Genealogy, each of Huang Qiaoshan's three wives bore him seven sons. But according to one legend, the eldest wife had seven sons, the second wife had eight and the third wife had six, and in order to make it even, Huang Qiaoshan had the youngest son of the second wife adopted to the third wife.
Tomb of Huang Qiaoshan
Ancestral Temple of Huang Qiaoshan
Portrait of Madam Shangguan
Portrait of Madam Wu
Portrait of Madam Zheng
Photos from Webmaster's visit to Heping, Shaowu on 26th-27th December 2003
118th Generation
Huang Hua 黄化
Styled Huang Ning 黄宁 and Huang Weihang. Jinshi scholar. In AD 951, on his father's instruction, he moved from Shaowu and lived at Huangchayang, Longxi neighbourhood, Ninghua county of Tingzhou Prefecture (present-day Gubei village, Qicun countryside, Shibi town, Ninghua [Cuijiang] county, Fujian province). He held the posts of "Zuo Yu Shi" 左御史 and was later assigned to be Regional Director 刺史 of Guangzhou (Present-day Guangzhou City, Guangdong province).
Married You Shi 尤氏 and begot three sons: Dao 道, Di 迪,and Kui 逵. The Huang Genealogy of Hepo recorded he married two more wives, Liang Shi and Liu Shi, and sired another son, Zhan 邅. Most of his descendants live in Guangdong and Fujian provinces today. His descendants are mainly concentrated in Guangdong province and Fujian province provinces.
119th Generation
Huang Dao 黄道
He was also known as Huang Qiansheng 黄潜盛 and Huang Hanshan 黄汉善. Jinshi Scholar.
Married Wu Shi 吴氏 and begot two sons: Wen 文 and Wu 武.
120th Generation
Huang Wen 黄文 (b.AD 954)
Married Zeng Shi 曾氏 and begot two sons: Shengcha 省察 and Guancha 观察.
121th Generation
Huang Shengcha 黄省察 (b. AD 989)
Married Zhang Shi and begot two sons: Chun 春 and Qiu 秋.
122th Generation
Huang Chun 黄春 (b.1030)
He was called Shi Qi Lang 十七郎.
Married Zheng Shi 郑氏 (one source said Fang Shi 方氏) and begot two sons: Ren 仁and Yi 义.
123th Generation
Huang Ren 黄仁 (b.1069)
Married Zhong Shi 钟氏 (one source said Zeng Shi 曾氏) and begot one son Huang Qianshan 潜善. After the first wife died, he married Li Shi 李氏 and begot another son Huang Qianhou 潜厚.
124th Generation
Huang Qianshan 黄潜善
Styled Huang Yunlong 黄云龙.Native of Ninghua, Fujian. Many had confused Huang Qianshan, styled Huang Yunlong, with Huang Qianshan 黄潜善, styled Huang Maohe 黄茂和, Prime Minister of Song during the Jianyan era 建炎 (1127-1130). Research by renowned genealogist, Liu Youping 刘佑平 and other Huang genealogists, showed that the two are two different persons with the same name. Huang Qianshan, styled Huang Yunlong was a native of Ninghua, Fujian, whereas Huang Qiaoshan, styled Huang Maohe, the Song prime minister was a native of Shaowu. The former had one brother whereas the latter one had four.
Married Liang Shi 梁氏 and Wei Shi 危氏 and begot nine sons: Jiuchang 久昌, Jiulong 久隆, Jiumao 久茂, Jiusheng 久盛, Jiumei 久美, Jiuyang 久养, Jiu'an 久安, Jiukang 久康, Jiuxing 久兴.
1)15 generations from Huang Jiusheng 黄久盛 (Huang Clan's 139th generation) was anti-Manchu Ming loyalist hero, Huang Daozhou 黄道周(1585-1646), native of Zhangpu, Fujian province. During the Manchu invasion of China, Huang Daozhou assisted the Ming Court to resist the invaders.
125th Generation
Huang Jiumei 黄久美
He was "Dian Ji Wu" 典机务 of Zhangzhou 漳州.
Married He Shi 何氏 and begot four sons: Zhang 章, Wen 文, Ren 仁, and Yi 义.
126th Generation
Huang Yi 黄义
Styled Huang Shi'an 黄实安. He moved to Pinghe [Xiaoxi], Fujian province. Sired three sons: Yuanda 元达, Yuanji 元吉, and Yuanbao 元宝.
127th Generation
Huang Yuanji 黄元吉
He was conferred "Marquis of Ten Thousand Households" 万户侯 during the Southern Song dynasty and was appointed the Chief Administer 总管 of Zhangzhou Prefecture 漳州府(Present day Zhangzhou, Fujian province). He lived at Guanxi of Pinghe county, Fujian province. When he died he was conferred the title "Clear and Resolute General" 昭毅将军 by the Song emperor. He was buried at Pinghe. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China (in 1949), the People's Government of Pinghe county chose his burial ground to build a winery, his grave was moved and reburied at another place on the 11th April (Chinese lunar calendar= 1st of 3rd month) 1956.
Married He Shi 何氏. When He Shi died, she was honoured with the title "Zhen Yi Fu Ren" 贞懿夫人 (Madam of Pure and Beauty). Huang Yuanji and He Shi begot eight sons: Dashi 大使, Ershi 二使, Sanshi 三使, Sishi 四使, Wushi 五使, Liushi 六使, Qishi 七使 and Bashi 八使.
Huang Yuanji's Tomb
128th Generation
Huang Sishi 黄四使
His personal name was Huang Zhenjian 黄珍鉴, and he was also known as Huang Rongfu 黄荣福.He married Dai Shi 戴氏 and begot two sons: Mingqing 明卿 and Shouqing 寿卿.
Huang Rongfu's Tomb
129th Generation
Huang Mingqing 黄名卿
Sired three sons: Guofu 国甫, Dexing 德兴 and Shunxing 顺兴.
130th Generation
Huang Dexing 黄德兴 (1309-1368)
Married Chen Shi 陈氏 (b.1314) and begot three sons: Boyao 伯尧, Boli 伯理 and Bogong 伯恭.
131st Generation
Huang Boyao 黄伯尧 (1340-1398)
He moved to Gaoshan, Zhangpu (present day Gaoshan village, Shaxi town, Zhangpu county, Fujian province) during the last years of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368).
Married Chen Shi 陈氏 (1339-1420) and begot two sons: Xiange 仙歌 and Xiangu 仙谷.
The Webmaster visited Gaoshan, Zhangpu on 1st December 2003 during his Root Searching Trip to China. [See Photo Album]
132nd Generation
Huang Xiange 黄仙歌 (1371-1412)
Styled Huang Xunzhang 黄逊长. He died at the age of 41 (42 sui). Married Lin Shi 林氏 (1373-1449) and begot three sons: Zhen 祯, You 佑 and Rui 锐.
133rd Generation
Huang Rui 黄锐
Styled Huang Bingjia 黄秉伦. He educated his children strictly and worked hard to earn a living.
Married Xu Shi 许氏 and begot six sons: Sheng 省, Gong 恭, Jie 介, Chong 宠, Jing 精 and Gong 贡.
134th Generation
134th Generation/1st Generation (Founding Ancestor) of Gaokeng Huang Lineage
Huang Tianhai 黄添海
His personal name was Huang Gong 黄恭. He moved to Jiaotou, Dongbo, Dongshan (present day Dongling, Dongshan county, Fujian province) during the reign of Emperor Hongzhi (1488-1505) of the Ming dynasty. One of his grandsons, Huang Ji 黄继, moved to Gaokeng (in present-day Meiling township), Zhao'an county, and started the Huang lineage of Gaokeng.
Huang Tianhai is revered as the 1st generation ancestor (Founder Ancestor) of the Huang lineage of Gaokeng, Zhao'an county, Fujian Province.
Sired three sons: Shangde 尚德, Damu 大目 and Muchan 睦禅.
135th Generation/2nd Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Shangde 黄尚德
Married Dai Shi 戴氏 and begot five sons: Lin 琳, Bi 碧, Hui 诲, Tan 琰 and Ji 继.
136th Generation/3rd Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Ji 黄继
He moved to Gaokeng 高坑 (in present-day Meiling township), Zhao'an county 诏安, Fujian province during the early years of Ming Emperor Jiajing 明嘉靖 (1522-1567). He fathered six sons (the sixth son was an adopted son from the Ziyun Huang lineage) from whom descended the "Six Huang Branches of Gaokeng". The webmaster's family belongs to the ancestral line of the second son, Huang Tu 黄徒.
The webmaster visited Gaokeng, Zhao'an from 29th November-2nd December 2003 during his Root Searching Trip to China. [See Photo Album]
137th Generation/4th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Tu 黄徒
He lived at Gaokeng village, Zhao'an.
Sired two sons whose names were lost.
138th-146th Generations/5th-13th Generation of Gaokeng
Note: During China's Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, the Red Guards sought and burnt all the ancestral spiritual tablets and genealogies they could find, which they condemned as vestiges of China's feudal past. Many genealogies were thus destroyed, and many of those which survived were damaged or incomplete. The records for 9 generations of the Webmaster's family were lost in the upheavals.
137th Generation ancestor (whose name was lost) moved to Tianpan village, Gaokeng and founded the Shaoji Ancestral Temple 绍继堂.
Records for 138th-145th generation ancestors were completely lost during the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).
In 1644, during the time of 140th generation ancestor (7th Generation of Gaokeng), the Manchus invaded China and set up the Qing dynasty, which was to last until 1912. Ming loyalist forces under the command of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) set up bases in the southern coasts of China and put up strong resistance to the foreign invaders. According to regional gazettes and "History of the Qing Dynasty" 清史搞, residents of five coastal provinces who lived within 30km from the coasts were forced to move inland by the Manchu Qing government in 1661, in order to prevent the local residents from supplying food and offering help to the Ming-loyalist forces of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga). The forces of Zheng Chenggong later retreated to Penghu and Taiwan islands. It was only in 1683 when the Ming-loyalist forces under the Zheng family was subdued, the coastal residents were allowed to return to rebuild their former homes.
146th Generation (13th Generation Gaokeng) ancestor (whose name was lost) married Wu Shi 吴氏 (They were the Webmaster's great-great-grandparents) and Madam Wu died in 1903 and was buried at in Gaokeng, Zhaoan. They begot four sons: Pingjing 平静, (to be confirmed), Pingqi 平齐, (to be confirmed) . The tomb of 13th generation ancestor fell into disrepair and the tombstone was lost. The tomb of Madam Wu is still in very good condition and the inscriptions on the tombstone are still very clear.
Wu Shi's Tomb
147th Generation/14th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Pingqi 黄平齐 (1862-1944)
He married Chen Shi 陈氏 (1868-1948) from Jiazhou 甲洲, Zhao'an and they begot four sons: Zhongwen 中文, Chaocheng 朝成, Jiangde 江德 and Chaowu 朝武.
They were the Webmaster's great-grandparents
The double-tomb of Huang Pingqi and Chen Shi
148th Generation/15th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Chaowu (Wee Thian Boo/Ng Tow Woo 黄朝武)
He was born in the 32nd year of Emperor Guangxu (1906) during the last years of the Manchu Qing dynasty. In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), he sought his fortune in Southeast Asia. He stayed in Singapore and Miri, Sarawak (Now a state in Malaysia) before moving to Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam on 6th July 1938. He passed away in 1994, aged 87 (88 sui) and was buried at the Chinese cemetery at Tuggulian, Mukim Liang, Belait District, Brunei Darussalam.
He married Li Qiaoyu 李巧玉 (1914-1990) from Hougang 后港, Zhao'an, and begot seven sons: Jiansheng 建生, Jianjin 建斤, Jianfa 建发, Jianfu 建福, Jianlai 建来, Jianchuan 建川 and Jianpo 建坡.
They were the Webmaster's Grandparents. The webmaster still remembers them with fond memories.
Huang Chaowu Li Qiaoyu
The double-tomb of Huang Chaowu and Li Qiaoyu, at Tunggulian, Belait, Brunei.
Present Generations
(149th-151th Generations/16th-18th Generations of Gaokeng)
The Webmaster's father, Huang Jianfa (Ng Kiang Huat 黄建发 or also written as 黄健发, b.1946) is the 149th generation (16th generation descendant of the Huang lineage of Gaokeng). The Webmaster's mother is Wen Jinye 温金叶.
The Webmaster, Erik Huang (Huang Baoxin or Ng Poh Sing 黄宝新) and his younger brother, Huang Baosheng (Ng Poh Seng 黄宝盛) belong to the 150th generation (17th generation of Gaokeng).
The Webmaster's sons Huang Xuanyuan (Ng Hsuen Yuen 黄宣元, b.2002), Huang Qiyuan (Ng Chee Yuen 黄麒元, b.2004), and Huang Songyuan (Ng Song Yuen 黄颂元, b.2007) are 18th generation descendants of the Gaokeng Huang lineage, 151st generation descendant of the Huang Clan.
Huang Qiaoshan 黄峭山 (AD871- 953)
His personal name was Huang Yue 黄岳, styled Huang Renjing 黄仁静 and Huang Qinggang 黄青岗. He was also known as Huang Qiao 黄峭. In AD 891, he became a battalion leader 千夫长 under the service of Li Keyong 李克用, Prince of Longxi 陇西郡王. Later, Huang Qiaoshan scored military merits and was conferred "Marquis of a Thousand Households" 万户侯 by Emperor Zhaozong of Tang (dynasty) 唐昭宗 in AD 895. In AD 896 he was promoted to Vice-Minister of Works 工部侍郎. When the Tang dynasty fell in AD 907, Huang Qiaoshan retired from politics and returned to his home village at Shaowu. He founded the famous Heping Suyuan (Heping Academy) and composed the famous poem "The Four Seasons".
He married three wives, Shangguan Shi 上官氏, Wu Shi 吴氏, Zheng Shi 郑氏, and had 21 sons, 155 grandsons, 334 great-grandsons. After the fall of the Tang dynasty in AD 907, China plunged into a period of wars and chaos, in what was known as the Five Dynasties' Period 五代 (AD 907-AD 960). In AD 951, he instructed his 18 younger sons and their families to live separately for the eternal preservation of the lineage, keeping the eldest son from each of his three wives and their families at Shaowu.
The sons of Huang Qiaoshan were: He 和, Mei 梅, Xun 荀, Gai 盖, Chu 楚, Gui 龟, Yang 洋, Zheng 郑, Hua 化, Qu 衢, Lu 庐, Fu 福, Lin 林, Tang 塘, Fa 发, Tan 潭, Cheng 城, Ting 廷, Yun 允, Jing 井 and Ceng 层.(They are listed according to the seniority of their mother and not their birth-year.) According to the Genealogy, each of Huang Qiaoshan's three wives bore him seven sons. But according to one legend, the eldest wife had seven sons, the second wife had eight and the third wife had six, and in order to make it even, Huang Qiaoshan had the youngest son of the second wife adopted to the third wife.
Tomb of Huang Qiaoshan
Ancestral Temple of Huang Qiaoshan
Portrait of Madam Shangguan
Portrait of Madam Wu
Portrait of Madam Zheng
Photos from Webmaster's visit to Heping, Shaowu on 26th-27th December 2003
118th Generation
Huang Hua 黄化
Styled Huang Ning 黄宁 and Huang Weihang. Jinshi scholar. In AD 951, on his father's instruction, he moved from Shaowu and lived at Huangchayang, Longxi neighbourhood, Ninghua county of Tingzhou Prefecture (present-day Gubei village, Qicun countryside, Shibi town, Ninghua [Cuijiang] county, Fujian province). He held the posts of "Zuo Yu Shi" 左御史 and was later assigned to be Regional Director 刺史 of Guangzhou (Present-day Guangzhou City, Guangdong province).
Married You Shi 尤氏 and begot three sons: Dao 道, Di 迪,and Kui 逵. The Huang Genealogy of Hepo recorded he married two more wives, Liang Shi and Liu Shi, and sired another son, Zhan 邅. Most of his descendants live in Guangdong and Fujian provinces today. His descendants are mainly concentrated in Guangdong province and Fujian province provinces.
119th Generation
Huang Dao 黄道
He was also known as Huang Qiansheng 黄潜盛 and Huang Hanshan 黄汉善. Jinshi Scholar.
Married Wu Shi 吴氏 and begot two sons: Wen 文 and Wu 武.
120th Generation
Huang Wen 黄文 (b.AD 954)
Married Zeng Shi 曾氏 and begot two sons: Shengcha 省察 and Guancha 观察.
121th Generation
Huang Shengcha 黄省察 (b. AD 989)
Married Zhang Shi and begot two sons: Chun 春 and Qiu 秋.
122th Generation
Huang Chun 黄春 (b.1030)
He was called Shi Qi Lang 十七郎.
Married Zheng Shi 郑氏 (one source said Fang Shi 方氏) and begot two sons: Ren 仁and Yi 义.
123th Generation
Huang Ren 黄仁 (b.1069)
Married Zhong Shi 钟氏 (one source said Zeng Shi 曾氏) and begot one son Huang Qianshan 潜善. After the first wife died, he married Li Shi 李氏 and begot another son Huang Qianhou 潜厚.
124th Generation
Huang Qianshan 黄潜善
Styled Huang Yunlong 黄云龙.Native of Ninghua, Fujian. Many had confused Huang Qianshan, styled Huang Yunlong, with Huang Qianshan 黄潜善, styled Huang Maohe 黄茂和, Prime Minister of Song during the Jianyan era 建炎 (1127-1130). Research by renowned genealogist, Liu Youping 刘佑平 and other Huang genealogists, showed that the two are two different persons with the same name. Huang Qianshan, styled Huang Yunlong was a native of Ninghua, Fujian, whereas Huang Qiaoshan, styled Huang Maohe, the Song prime minister was a native of Shaowu. The former had one brother whereas the latter one had four.
Married Liang Shi 梁氏 and Wei Shi 危氏 and begot nine sons: Jiuchang 久昌, Jiulong 久隆, Jiumao 久茂, Jiusheng 久盛, Jiumei 久美, Jiuyang 久养, Jiu'an 久安, Jiukang 久康, Jiuxing 久兴.
1)15 generations from Huang Jiusheng 黄久盛 (Huang Clan's 139th generation) was anti-Manchu Ming loyalist hero, Huang Daozhou 黄道周(1585-1646), native of Zhangpu, Fujian province. During the Manchu invasion of China, Huang Daozhou assisted the Ming Court to resist the invaders.
125th Generation
Huang Jiumei 黄久美
He was "Dian Ji Wu" 典机务 of Zhangzhou 漳州.
Married He Shi 何氏 and begot four sons: Zhang 章, Wen 文, Ren 仁, and Yi 义.
126th Generation
Huang Yi 黄义
Styled Huang Shi'an 黄实安. He moved to Pinghe [Xiaoxi], Fujian province. Sired three sons: Yuanda 元达, Yuanji 元吉, and Yuanbao 元宝.
127th Generation
Huang Yuanji 黄元吉
He was conferred "Marquis of Ten Thousand Households" 万户侯 during the Southern Song dynasty and was appointed the Chief Administer 总管 of Zhangzhou Prefecture 漳州府(Present day Zhangzhou, Fujian province). He lived at Guanxi of Pinghe county, Fujian province. When he died he was conferred the title "Clear and Resolute General" 昭毅将军 by the Song emperor. He was buried at Pinghe. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China (in 1949), the People's Government of Pinghe county chose his burial ground to build a winery, his grave was moved and reburied at another place on the 11th April (Chinese lunar calendar= 1st of 3rd month) 1956.
Married He Shi 何氏. When He Shi died, she was honoured with the title "Zhen Yi Fu Ren" 贞懿夫人 (Madam of Pure and Beauty). Huang Yuanji and He Shi begot eight sons: Dashi 大使, Ershi 二使, Sanshi 三使, Sishi 四使, Wushi 五使, Liushi 六使, Qishi 七使 and Bashi 八使.
Huang Yuanji's Tomb
128th Generation
Huang Sishi 黄四使
His personal name was Huang Zhenjian 黄珍鉴, and he was also known as Huang Rongfu 黄荣福.He married Dai Shi 戴氏 and begot two sons: Mingqing 明卿 and Shouqing 寿卿.
Huang Rongfu's Tomb
129th Generation
Huang Mingqing 黄名卿
Sired three sons: Guofu 国甫, Dexing 德兴 and Shunxing 顺兴.
130th Generation
Huang Dexing 黄德兴 (1309-1368)
Married Chen Shi 陈氏 (b.1314) and begot three sons: Boyao 伯尧, Boli 伯理 and Bogong 伯恭.
131st Generation
Huang Boyao 黄伯尧 (1340-1398)
He moved to Gaoshan, Zhangpu (present day Gaoshan village, Shaxi town, Zhangpu county, Fujian province) during the last years of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368).
Married Chen Shi 陈氏 (1339-1420) and begot two sons: Xiange 仙歌 and Xiangu 仙谷.
The Webmaster visited Gaoshan, Zhangpu on 1st December 2003 during his Root Searching Trip to China. [See Photo Album]
132nd Generation
Huang Xiange 黄仙歌 (1371-1412)
Styled Huang Xunzhang 黄逊长. He died at the age of 41 (42 sui). Married Lin Shi 林氏 (1373-1449) and begot three sons: Zhen 祯, You 佑 and Rui 锐.
133rd Generation
Huang Rui 黄锐
Styled Huang Bingjia 黄秉伦. He educated his children strictly and worked hard to earn a living.
Married Xu Shi 许氏 and begot six sons: Sheng 省, Gong 恭, Jie 介, Chong 宠, Jing 精 and Gong 贡.
134th Generation
134th Generation/1st Generation (Founding Ancestor) of Gaokeng Huang Lineage
Huang Tianhai 黄添海
His personal name was Huang Gong 黄恭. He moved to Jiaotou, Dongbo, Dongshan (present day Dongling, Dongshan county, Fujian province) during the reign of Emperor Hongzhi (1488-1505) of the Ming dynasty. One of his grandsons, Huang Ji 黄继, moved to Gaokeng (in present-day Meiling township), Zhao'an county, and started the Huang lineage of Gaokeng.
Huang Tianhai is revered as the 1st generation ancestor (Founder Ancestor) of the Huang lineage of Gaokeng, Zhao'an county, Fujian Province.
Sired three sons: Shangde 尚德, Damu 大目 and Muchan 睦禅.
135th Generation/2nd Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Shangde 黄尚德
Married Dai Shi 戴氏 and begot five sons: Lin 琳, Bi 碧, Hui 诲, Tan 琰 and Ji 继.
136th Generation/3rd Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Ji 黄继
He moved to Gaokeng 高坑 (in present-day Meiling township), Zhao'an county 诏安, Fujian province during the early years of Ming Emperor Jiajing 明嘉靖 (1522-1567). He fathered six sons (the sixth son was an adopted son from the Ziyun Huang lineage) from whom descended the "Six Huang Branches of Gaokeng". The webmaster's family belongs to the ancestral line of the second son, Huang Tu 黄徒.
The webmaster visited Gaokeng, Zhao'an from 29th November-2nd December 2003 during his Root Searching Trip to China. [See Photo Album]
137th Generation/4th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Tu 黄徒
He lived at Gaokeng village, Zhao'an.
Sired two sons whose names were lost.
138th-146th Generations/5th-13th Generation of Gaokeng
Note: During China's Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, the Red Guards sought and burnt all the ancestral spiritual tablets and genealogies they could find, which they condemned as vestiges of China's feudal past. Many genealogies were thus destroyed, and many of those which survived were damaged or incomplete. The records for 9 generations of the Webmaster's family were lost in the upheavals.
137th Generation ancestor (whose name was lost) moved to Tianpan village, Gaokeng and founded the Shaoji Ancestral Temple 绍继堂.
Records for 138th-145th generation ancestors were completely lost during the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).
In 1644, during the time of 140th generation ancestor (7th Generation of Gaokeng), the Manchus invaded China and set up the Qing dynasty, which was to last until 1912. Ming loyalist forces under the command of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) set up bases in the southern coasts of China and put up strong resistance to the foreign invaders. According to regional gazettes and "History of the Qing Dynasty" 清史搞, residents of five coastal provinces who lived within 30km from the coasts were forced to move inland by the Manchu Qing government in 1661, in order to prevent the local residents from supplying food and offering help to the Ming-loyalist forces of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga). The forces of Zheng Chenggong later retreated to Penghu and Taiwan islands. It was only in 1683 when the Ming-loyalist forces under the Zheng family was subdued, the coastal residents were allowed to return to rebuild their former homes.
146th Generation (13th Generation Gaokeng) ancestor (whose name was lost) married Wu Shi 吴氏 (They were the Webmaster's great-great-grandparents) and Madam Wu died in 1903 and was buried at in Gaokeng, Zhaoan. They begot four sons: Pingjing 平静, (to be confirmed), Pingqi 平齐, (to be confirmed) . The tomb of 13th generation ancestor fell into disrepair and the tombstone was lost. The tomb of Madam Wu is still in very good condition and the inscriptions on the tombstone are still very clear.
Wu Shi's Tomb
147th Generation/14th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Pingqi 黄平齐 (1862-1944)
He married Chen Shi 陈氏 (1868-1948) from Jiazhou 甲洲, Zhao'an and they begot four sons: Zhongwen 中文, Chaocheng 朝成, Jiangde 江德 and Chaowu 朝武.
They were the Webmaster's great-grandparents
The double-tomb of Huang Pingqi and Chen Shi
148th Generation/15th Generation of Gaokeng
Huang Chaowu (Wee Thian Boo/Ng Tow Woo 黄朝武)
He was born in the 32nd year of Emperor Guangxu (1906) during the last years of the Manchu Qing dynasty. In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), he sought his fortune in Southeast Asia. He stayed in Singapore and Miri, Sarawak (Now a state in Malaysia) before moving to Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam on 6th July 1938. He passed away in 1994, aged 87 (88 sui) and was buried at the Chinese cemetery at Tuggulian, Mukim Liang, Belait District, Brunei Darussalam.
He married Li Qiaoyu 李巧玉 (1914-1990) from Hougang 后港, Zhao'an, and begot seven sons: Jiansheng 建生, Jianjin 建斤, Jianfa 建发, Jianfu 建福, Jianlai 建来, Jianchuan 建川 and Jianpo 建坡.
They were the Webmaster's Grandparents. The webmaster still remembers them with fond memories.
Huang Chaowu Li Qiaoyu
The double-tomb of Huang Chaowu and Li Qiaoyu, at Tunggulian, Belait, Brunei.
Present Generations
(149th-151th Generations/16th-18th Generations of Gaokeng)
The Webmaster's father, Huang Jianfa (Ng Kiang Huat 黄建发 or also written as 黄健发, b.1946) is the 149th generation (16th generation descendant of the Huang lineage of Gaokeng). The Webmaster's mother is Wen Jinye 温金叶.
The Webmaster, Erik Huang (Huang Baoxin or Ng Poh Sing 黄宝新) and his younger brother, Huang Baosheng (Ng Poh Seng 黄宝盛) belong to the 150th generation (17th generation of Gaokeng).
The Webmaster's sons Huang Xuanyuan (Ng Hsuen Yuen 黄宣元, b.2002), Huang Qiyuan (Ng Chee Yuen 黄麒元, b.2004), and Huang Songyuan (Ng Song Yuen 黄颂元, b.2007) are 18th generation descendants of the Gaokeng Huang lineage, 151st generation descendant of the Huang Clan.
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Dear Clansman,
Please do not re-publish my work (the English translation and photo) at this site.
My genealogical research took me several years and the English translation is a long and meticulous work and is for the benefits of all Huang clansmen searching for their roots. I would like my works to be viewed only at
Will greatly appreciate your understanding on this matter.
Keep in touch!
Erik Huang
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以上内容是从我网站 抄袭,请宗亲删除,望合作,谢谢!
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